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Adric was the second addition to our home, joining our family in June of 1998. He's was six months old when the first three pictures were taken, and close to eight months old when we Keith snapped the two at the bottom of the page. He is a beautiful, big, silver ferret, but he was tiny when we got him, and if you'd like to see him at 9 or 10 weeks, link to Adric's Baby Pictures page. I also need to take some new pictures. With each coat change he has gotten lighter and lighter in color, to the point where he looks like a dark-eyed white with just a few flecks of silver left. We've even jokingly starting calling Adric and Pertwee, who are about inseparable, "The White Boys". They're these two big, long, snow white ferrets, running and playing amid all our colorful weasels.

Adric can be Mr. Mellow Ferret, or sometimes he can be that oh-so-playful kit we brought home. (Please, nobody tell him he was supposed to slow down when he got older, OK?) While he will let us briefly hold and cuddle him, he is really a ferret's ferret, meaning he'd rather play with his brothers and sisters, and sometimes us humans if we're good, than show us how much he loves us. Oh well... sometimes, when that rare mood strikes him, he can be affectionate. He still has a great disposition, never bites, and is really gentle.

Our vet told us when Adric was a kit that he would likely be the bigger than Tenchi, and considering that Tenchi was a pretty big ferret at the time, we wondered how big he really would get. Well, the answer is that, for a while, he porked up to four pounds or more! I don't think Avon wanted to find that out. He likes to wrestle with Adric, and since Adric would rather explore, well... he thrashes poor Avon regularly. Adric is frequently challenged by the other ferrets, part of their normal dominance games, and only Tenchi and Lady Ayeka can get the best of him, even though Tenchi isn't bigger any more.

I think the most amazing thing about Adric and the ways ferrets wrestle is that he was absolutely gentle with little Romana during her early weeks with us. She came in at all of five weeks old, and would jump up on Adric's neck and tear into it with her teeth, and he just ignored her. As she's gotten just a bit bigger they do wrestle, but Adric lets the little girl ride on his back as if he were a pony or something. It's really cute.

Adric on the couch, checking out my sweater.Adric lives in a huge cage with the other seven now, and usually sleeps snuggled together with the other fuzzies in a huge hammock near the top of the cage. It is absolutely adorable. We used to get worried about this sometimes, though. One night we couldn't see his face at all. It was buried under four other fuzzies! We dug him out and he hadn't smothered, so I guess it's all right. They all get along really well.

Like Tenchi and every other ferret, Adric is incredibly inquisitive. He gets into every nook and cranny in the house. If he doesn't sleep in the cage, he'll catch a snooze under the coffee table, which is a really small space for a big fuzzy. Ferrets love small dark spaces ,so that's pretty normal. He climbs well too, and quickly. It's a good thing we ferret proofed the hutch, since we can't move it easily, and now that Adric is bigger than Tenchi is, I don't think Tenchi could manage to drag him out any more.

Keith's hat becomes a ferret toyAdric is every bit as much a pleasure as he was when his "baby pictures" were taken. I love it when he does decide to want my attention and comes to play. Sometimes, if I'm sitting on the couch watching TV, he'll just come up and try to snuggle behing my back. He may be pretty independent, but he's still my cuddly, mellow, big, white ferret.

-Last updated May 24, 2000

The Baby Adric page

See what he was like back in June, 1998!

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Tenchi Adric Kerr Avon Ryo-Ohki Nyssa Lady Ayeka Romana Pertwee
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