Lady Ayeka
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Lady Ayeka

Lady Ayeka

Lady Ayeka joined our now not-so-little business together with Nyssa. Like Tenchi and Ryo-Ohki, she's named for a character from the Tenchi Muyo animé series, in her case for the haughty and prissy and oh-so-jealous princess of Jerai. I think the only thing our Ayeka is jealous of, though, is attention, which she wants lots of. She's a great jumper, and will jump up Keith's leg or mine to get us to play or pick her up.

Ayeka comes straight for the camera.Ayeka is a blaze, and she is fiesty, playful, fiery, and lots and lots of fun. She's incredibly fast, and Avon and Pertwee are the only one of our other eight ferrets I've seen be able to catch her. Of course, they usually don't have to. She'll catch them, and much like Avon. she just loves to wrestle.

Comparing her to Avon is really appropriate. She's been so rowdy at times that Summer dubbed her "Ms. Avon". I personally think Nyssa is more deserving of that title, but blaze or silver mitt seems to be synonymous with rambunctious. Here she is coming right at my camera, too. It may not have made for the clearest picture, but I think she's just darling in it.

Ayeka can also be very loving, and is very likely to give you a face washing if you pick her up. She's never had the nipping problem that Avon and Nyssa have had, either, which makes her a really fun ferret to have around, with a fantastic personality. I shouldn't say never, though. If I wear my blue velour top, she'll bite it, and me in it. Don't ask me why, but it's only when I wear that top. Se also might just nibble at my wrist a little if she really wants me to play rough with her.

Ayeka with a ball, in a ball.When it's time to sack out, Ayeka almost always sleeps in the top hammock in the cage. Oh, sometimes it's in the round hanging thing in the top of the cage, but usually it's the hammock, no matter how many other ferrets are in it. Six or seven or eight in there is quite a sight! The cutest thing is to see her curled up in the round thing, though, holding tight to her favorite polar fleece ball while she sleeps.

The most striking thing about Lady Ayeka is her beautiful coat. Her summer coat had very dark brown or very white fur,and very little in between, with badger-like markings on her face and head. Her winter coat has a lot more light hair, and her face has become very white, but she's still just striking. She gets more compliments than any of our other fuzzies, and I personally think Tenchi has an absolutely gorgeous coat. Hers is even more stunning, I guess.

One interesting (different?) thing that only she and Nyssa share is that the these two girls both like toys that are bigger than they are. It's quite a site to see Ayeka running, holding a big ball in her mouth, and having to lift her head way up in the air to keep it off the ground.

Another Ayeka pictureIn any case, we may never have intended to have eight ferrets, but with additions like Ayeka, there's no way I can have any regrets.

-Last updated September 20, 2000

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