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This is my collection of horror movies

I have my personal favorite top 10 movies that I like and top 10 movies that I hate

I have a summary of each movie

I have pictures and sounds

I have Reviews

I hope you enjoy my collection of horror movies, if you have any comments or Suggestions please e-mail at


Rating System

=Classic Terror, Go out and rent this movie now! It is one of the Best Horror Movies Ever!

=A really really Great movie, Go out and rent this movie now or you don't know what you're missing!

=Average movie, you will probably really like it and you should rent it

=Not so great, you probably wont enjoy it at all. Just another one of those stupid slasher movies

=Doesn't deserve to be recognized, it is so completly bad that its not even funny. Do not waste your money on this one peoples.

Top 10 Favorite Horror Movies

10.Scream -I know, it's a trendy slasher movie, but heck, it's not that bad and it's one of those movies you can watch over and over again. I actually enjoy it!

9.Friday the 13th -