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Castoria Volunteer Fire & EMS is an all volunteer department, who currently has 38 members who dedicate their time to serving the community. Our staff includes Medical Responders, EMT- Basics, and EMT-Intermediates, all certified by the State of North Carolina, as well as firefighters. Currently, 15 of our 38 personnel are certified EMS personnel.

Castoria is different than many other departments in that females play an active role in our fire department. Out of our 38 fire personnel, 14 are women.

Castoria EMS is a division of Castoria Fire Department. Therefore, to be a member of our EMS division, you must also be a member of the fire division. Everyone listed below is a firefighter, and if they hold EMS certification it will be listed in parenthesis.

Due to new requirements, all members must be IS100 & IS700 Certified in the near future. All officers will be required to also carry IS800 certification. Some members are already certified, and for the others we are in the process of getting all members certified.

Below is a chart of all personnel and the certifications they hold. This table is not complete yet and is still under construction. A completed table should be up soon.
April Baker
IS 100,200,700,800

Dennis Baker
IS 100,200,700,800

Todd Beaman

Richie Boyd
IS 700,800

Renee Cannon

Scott Cannon

Tyler Carter

Matt Cates

Josh Combs

IS 700

Todd Combs

Andy Cook

Ashley Cook

Cindy Elks

Dennis Elks

George Gay

Anthony Grant

Wanda Grant

IS 100,700

Ashe Harris

Harry Hill

Sheila Hill

Miles Humphrey

Austin Letchworth

Kenny Marshburn

Sharon Marshburn
IS 100,700,800

Steve Marshburn
IS 100

Tony Mazingo

Marvin Morgan

Michael Perkins

Brian Shackelford

IS 100,700,800

Todd Shirley

Tyler Shirley

Glenesa Smith
IS 100,700

Charles Stallings

Doug Stocks

Janet Stocks

Kathy Summerlin

IS 100,700,800

Megan Summerlin
IS 100,700,800

Betty Sutton

Sheri Taylor

Michael Wade

Toni Waters


If you would like to become a member of Castoria Rural Fire Association, Inc come by our station the first Monday night of  the month and fill out an application. Or use the Contact Information page to contact someone to get more details.

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