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Well here we go again. For those not in the know or not enough so, here is the info page. Here you will find various facts and items about what exactly makes me who I am. Enjoy.

  • Full Name: Bradley David Polich
  • Hair: Blond
  • Eyes: Blue, sometimes green, sometimes something in between
  • Height: 5'10", 5'10.5" on a good day
  • Place of Employment: Best Buy in Cary
  • Currently Residing: Just outside of Cary, NC
  • Currently Attending: Wake Technical Community College, not 15 minutes from my old high school. I am a third semester Telecommunicatons major. After I get my Associates I plan on going to East Carolina University.There I plan on getting my B.S. in Information and Computer Technology
  • Musical Preferences: I enjoy almost anything and everything out there. You never know what you might catch me listening to. Keep checking the homepage for what I'm currently hooked on.
  • Current Interests: Cars (a constant), getting another 4.0 GPA, JC, keeping up with friends, photography, & web design as it pertains to the growth and beautification of this site.
  • Vices: Carbohydrates, AIM, penny-pinching to save for my car, and of course, WOMEN.
  • Annoyances: People who don't make time for those important to them, hypocracy, a lack of goals/motivation/ambition, insensitivity, abuse of any kind, snobs, racists, bigots, and all out haters.
  • Contact Info:
    AIM: someguynameddarb
    Yahoo! Messenger: someguynameddarb

Personal Reflection and Pledge.
Okay so I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Thinking about what I'm doing and what I've done. Thinking about those who have influenced me for the good and the bad. Those who I will never forget and those who I can't block out. And after all of that, I realized that each and every one of you who has had any part, however minute, has made me who I am today. Thank you. So whether you've been there for me since day one, or were never really there at all, this one is for you. From here on out, I'm gonna keep it real. No more denial about who I am, want to be, or was. No more pretending this life is a game. This is serious. And I think I'm finally ready to be serious.