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People of Importance to Me

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Okay you must know that this listing is in no particular order like importance. They are listed as I thought of them...If you find that I'm lacking something in your description or you aren't in this list at all and know you should be, tell me so I can fix it! Enjoy.

Homies in tha G-spot

  • Jamison Committee: Big ups to all my boys: Lo-Tha McIver Connection, Centz-sick on the tables, Pappa Pautsch-defected to Wilmington, Matt aka Powder, Ben-founder of XAO in G-boro, Jerm-yeah, he's a Marine, A-Train & Figgs-holdin down Jersey. And if you don't know, you better axe somebody!
  • Big shout out to C-Young, the best freakin CA ever.
  • Monk E.: Dude, do I even have to say anything? I didnt think so. But I will say this: Gotta love OE, and Monkeys rule!
  • The Lovely Ladies of Greensboro: Lu, Erin, Reeny, Courtney-"Miss Money", & Jennifer-Every day!
  • Susan: Thanks for all the stoop talks and a friendship that I will never forget!
  • Gin and Juice: What needs to be said that hasn't already? You know it all and don't ever forget it! Juice-Te quiero para siempre.
  • Sarah: Misery loves company, movie nights, midnight Walmart runs, my life be like ooh ahh, and rain checks, we luvs you!!!!
  • Kat: Holding down Tri Sigma now, its okay I still love ya! I'll always be there for ya girl, just like you were for me! Oh! And don't forget about bakin' cookies!
  • Jules and Karin: Ultimate Frisbee Party, Weenie Roast and tech support
  • Jess: Grocery shopping, and drives to and from home
  • Bobbi: Those many late night drives and talks and just hanging out, much love!

People "Representin' tha 9-1-9"

  • Taylor: Forever grateful that God led me to you and gave me your friendship. I can't even begin to fathom a world without you girl. I love you.
  • Layne: You never stop me from smiling, always brighten my day, and don't ever forget that "you rock my pants off and down the street!"
  • Elizabeth: I will always be there girl, you can't get rid of me. We've been there for each other time and again, thanks for keeping me grounded.
  • Mixy: I still remember the formal. I'm glad we started hanging out again, I missed my hugs! And although I don't believe you are making the right decision, I support you girl, always.
  • Justin: Although you'll prolly never see this, thanks for being my friend when no one else would, you're the best man.
  • Margot: Bus rides, Halloween, and so many other memories that wont be forgotten! I miss you!
  • Sarah: Thanks for everything that you have been to me. After all we've been through, I don't know what I would do without what we had. You have shown me what I don't want to be and more importantly, what I don't want in a wife. And just so ya know, I am not a failure.
  • Betsy: Gundam and Escaflowne, future trip to Japan, and the love of all things Asian.
  • Drew: Man sometimes I wonder if we share a brain. Remember these things: employee price check, Pink, broadened horizons, kung fu movies, Audrey and so many video games, dude you rock out loud!!!
  • Niki: Ox and Rat-not as compatible as I once thought, ride home from ASP, movies, subject lines, & the fact that you couldn't take two seconds out of your day, for a month, to say hi.
  • Isabelita: My little sister....I love you and be good!
  • Jocelyn: Love of all things against the norm, musical tastes, ASP
  • Laura: Conspiracies, Ski trip talks, Prom, more smiles and hugs than I ever knew what to do with :D, and walks in the park.
  • Anne: Wise words and a smiling face, things I will never get enough of.
  • Tracy: ...Where do I start? I don't really know. There's not much I can really say. We always did more communicating without talking anyways. We'll always have Two Guys. Thank you for coming back into my life.
  • Karen: A connection from nowhere, you keep thinking you're gonna beat me. You forget who you are dealing with. In this game, I am champion, hehe. Thank God for digi cams and Yahoo! Messenger.

The Family

  • Dad: You've been my hero for as long as I can remember. You've always been there for me. Although I don't always agree with your methods, I couldn't have asked for anyone better for a father. One day I will show you I can make it.
  • Mom: We've had some rocky times, but it's only brought us closer. I will always love our times at the mall and our talks that seem to becoming more frequent.
  • Bo: Kid, I'm proud of you. Keep reppin' the fire fighting biz, I can't see you anywhere else. Follow your heart bro.
  • Anna, Amy Josh: Who could have asked for better cousins? Ya'll need to come down here sometime soon, so I can show you how we do it in the South.
  • Aunt Diane: Constantly open arms, warm heart and home, best cooking in the world, and the closest thing I'll ever have to a grandmother. Thank you for everything.
  • Uncle Vic: I love you and miss you tons. Rest in peace. **Victor John Polich, Jr. May 19, 1938- December 1, 2001**