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2004 December
December 28, 2004: Well what do we have here? Looks like I actually remembered to give ya'll an update more than once a month. Amazing. Well lets see, where do I begin? Ah yes, of course. I signed my lease for an apartment in Greenville today. I'm definitely going now. Wait I forgot to tell ya'll I got in. Whoops. Well I guess I've told all those who I talk to often anyways...but if this is the first time you've heard it, call me up and gimme a good yellin for not telling you sooner. In any case I'm stoked. The end of the year is near and I'm really looking forward to 2005. On my horizon sits a new car, graduation from Tech, moving to Greenville and so many other things that I can't wait to find out about. The new site is gonna be postponed for a good while longer it seems. I've decided to take advantage of my new legal web development software and put together a killer site that may rival the now deceased Jamison Committee site. Okay I'm off to dream of walking down Penny Lane toward Moroccan sunsets.

December 6, 2004: Okay just a quick update cause I was told I need to update more It's currently 12:36am and I just got home from work. I'm friggin tired. Exams are coming up and after that comes winter break and I couldn't be more ready for it. It'll be the first break I've had from school in about a year. Well that's it for me, good luck to everyone with their exams! Peace.
2004 November
November 15, 2004: Okay, I'm giving in, giving up. I've decided that I am not destined to be happy. No more searching for the right person for me. I'm tired of hoping there's someone out there that can actually put up with me. I think I'll just be alone. It's prolly better this way. Ah why am I even writing this here? No one reads this crap anyways.

November 10, 2004: Well I am having a wonderful day. After last night/yesterday that is kinda surprising. I was seriously thinking of dropping out of school and just saying F-it and I'll work two jobs. After a chocolate malt last night and a haircut this morning I'm in much better spirits. I've got major work to do if I wanna survive this semester but I actually think I'm finally in the mind set to do some serious work. In other news, I turned down an offer to buy a 300+ Whp Sentra last night. In retrospect, I think I was crazy. But maybe not. Half the fun of having a car like that is the building up process, making it your own. This car is already fully built. It would be like driving something that wasn't mine. Ah well, my time will come soon enough. Okay, time for me to get my study on. I'm out, peace.
2004 October
October 13, 2004: Yes, I know, I said I wasn't going to update this page anymore....but guess what? The new site isn't gonna be up anytime soon because of all of the school work I have each week. Maybe by the new year....Here's a look at what has been going on....I went down to Greensboro Oct. 1-3. It was a well needed vacation from....well everything. Minus a little drama-drama I had a great time and even made a new friend. School has been overwhelming this semester. It seems like I can't keep up. The lacking ability to concentrate on my school work may be part of the problem. I don't really know why I can't concentrate though. I know I need to do the work to get where I wanna go, yet everytime I sit down to study, I wind up surfing my car forums or finding whatever else I can to distract myself. This is really getting bad. I wasted most of my fall break playing computer games instead of doing some much needed catch up. And now that its time to head back to school, I am really screwed. Pray for me ya'll, I'm gonna need it. Peace.
2004 September
No Entries
2004 August
August 31, 2004: Okay so I still can't seem to keep this thing updated anywhere near regular. Now at least I have an excuse. There will be no new updates to this site aka version 2. I am currently in the process of bringing about a whole new rebirth of this here site. I'm not sure exactly when version 3 will be up but I will work hard to have something going by the first of November. I think you'll like the new setup. Anybody who wants a preview can contact me in any of the ways you know how and I'll give you a little sneak peak. In the mean time please send me sites that you think would be worth adding to the links page that will be included with version 3. That is all for now. Adios.
2004 July
July 22, 2004: Since someone told me I haven't updated in a while I thought I might as well. Let's see what I can come up with to fill this space. Well Summer classes are almost over, this is nice. I could use a break from school. I have come to realize though that I haven't actually gotten to hang out with Layne yet this summer because of schedule conflicts. If this isn't remedied soon, I'll have to wait til Christmas break. In other news, there happens to be someone right now who I can't stop thinking about. Gah, I don't know what to do with myself. It's almost a complete dominance of thought. Not cool, I must find an outlet for this frustration soon. Oh well, enough rambling for one day. Later.

July 2, 2004: Well today was going great. I even ran into and old friend from high school. Then she told me about how one of my exes had been cheating on me the whole time with said friend's brother. Holy carp am I pissed. This is someone who I considered to be one of, if not the, best girlfriends I ever had. She had been sleeping with the guy for two years. TWO YEARS! I'm beside myself right now. I can't hardly believe it. Gah, if I never see her again it will be too soon. Oh, and Margot, thanks for the wonderful LIE! Okay peeps I gotta get back to work, hopefully you are having a better day than I am. Peace. Current Mood: no words to express it.
2004 June
June 26, 2004: Okay so its been awhile. It's not like I've really been all that busy either. I just haven't felt like touching the site or much of anything else for that matter. Life is so routine right now. Day in and day out it's the same old thing. I'm tired of the routine. I need myself a vacation. I guess I have Tracy to thank for the little vacation I will be getting this summer. Two weeks never felt like so far away. There's also been some other things on my mind that I haven't told many people. No, I'm not gonna do it now. If I plan on telling you, you'll know. Otherwise just leave it be. I should thank Drew for broadening my musical tastes these past few weeks. It is a good thing. I've been so restless, I don't ever focus on one thing for very long. I need....gah I don't know what I need exactly but I need something, quick. Okay time for some sleep. Thankfully I don't have work this morning so I can enjoy my shuteye. Goodnight.
2004 May
May 29,2004: Well its been three weeks since I last wrote. Let's see what I've been up to. Well I'm taking summer classes at Wake Tech, plus I'm doing the Co-op thing which is working out really well minus the fact that I've been spending more time at school than at home. Still doing the Best Buy thing. Currently the only weekday hours I work are Wednesday nights. Tons o' fun, lemme tell ya. Hrm....what else?...OH! I'm planning on going to the Dashboard & Thrice concert at Regency Park June 22. If you are in the area that day you should call me up and come by. I'll prolly be sitting on the other side of the lake listening for free instead of paying 20-some bucks to get in and sit on the grass anyways. Kev graduated last night. That was pretty cool. Shot about two rolls of film. Heh, I love that camera! Okay so since I can't think of anything else to say I'm gonna go. Peace.
Current Fave Album: "Pure" from Hayley Westerna.

May 6, 2004: So the spring semester is finally over and I didn't come out to bad with an A two B's and a C. I have thoroughly enjoyed my week off and wish I had another or maybe seven, heh. Been in a major Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett kick as of late. Ahh the sweet sounds of ages before my time. OH! I've also jumped on into the whole world of metal after being reccommended many a great European metal bands by my good buddy Drew, thanks man. Okay so I think that's it for now, I'm gonna go play some Unreal Tournament, later.

May 5, 2004: Well, tomorrow is the last day of my spring semester. And although I'm glad it is on its way out, there's a part of me that wishes it wouldn't go. This summer is going to be full of unknowns and I really don't know if I'm ready for it. I guess we shall see. A few bits of poetry have managed to eek out of my head lately but I really don't like the way they've turned out so far so those who'd like to read them will just have to wait. I've been real contemplative lately which is probably not a good thing. Too much thinking tends to get me in a real dreary mood. Of all the things I want out of life I think the most important one is to find that one person for me. It's a little known secret but as a kid I wanted to be the prince in sleeping beauty. Well him and the tramp. I guess I've always been a hopeless romantic at heart. Yet, what I want to know is, why is it that guys like me always finish last? Now you may want to try and argue this point, but its true, and you know it. Well, I guess I'll end this bit of dribble with a good one sung by both Frank Sinatra & Tony Bennett called, "The Way You Look Tonight":

Someday when I'm awfully low
When the world is cold
I will feel a glow
Just thinking of you
And the way you look tonight

O but you're lovely
With your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft
There is nothing for me to love you
Just the way you look tonight

With each word, your tenderness grows
Tearing my fear apart
And that laugh that wrinkles your nose
Touches my foolish heart

Lovely never never change
Keep that breathless change
Won't you please arrange it
Cause I, I love you
Just the way you look tonight

Just the way you look tonight
2004 April
April 26, 2004: Okay nothing big, just posted a new "Current Wallpaper" and realized I should really proofread these entries better. Again, good luck with exams people. I'm outtie.

April 24, 2004: Hrm...I'm getting pretty lazy when it comes to this huh? In any case I had a killer weekend. On Friday I went out to eat and chill with Rachel, whom I met through Betsy. It was great times I must say. We had japanese takeout, OMG it was so freaking good you have no clue. Afterwards we spent a good amount of time just talking and drinking coffee at Barnes & Noble. I really had a great timeSaturday was spent with Jessica. After watching her jump her horse almost five feet, we played some pool with a friend of hers. That was great, just like old times. Then it was off to Southpoint to chillax and get some ice cream and wound up watching a juggler. I had a blast, geez I miss hanging out with that girl. Okay well I guess thats all I got, good luck on everyone's exams!

April 16, 2004: Well lets's been a while huh? Well first things first, Sunday was my birthday. Nothing really that exciting except momma made me a blueberry pie and it was freaking incredible. I'm now 20 years of age and really don't feel any different. Oh well, no big deal. School has been so crazy lately, I have had so much to do I'm lucky I got out of this past week with my sanity. It looks like I'm gonna get out of UNIX with a B, thank the Maker! Man I guess I must have a few lucky stars left. In other news, I have had the ablility to talk with my Greenville girls a lot lately. This is quite wonderful, you have no idea. Of all the people I knew in high school, these two are the ones I keep up with and miss the most. It has just been way too long since last we saw each other.:'( Well I guess that's all I got for now. Back to the books I go, thank God this semester is almost over!

April 1, 2004: Well as this is being written, I am at the bowling alley off of Hilsborough Street acrossed the street from NC State. The funny thing is, I'm not here bowling. This wonderful establishment is where I have chosen to do my homework for the night. Why? Because I got a free dinner and time to hang out with my pops. He is up here substituting for a friend in a bowling league. Surprisingly enough, I get a lot of work done in this smokey, loud and and drunk filled wonderland. Here I'm sitting among the last of a dying breed, the no holds bar middle aged bowler who doesnt care who else is here, they are gonna drink their beer, and have as much fun being loud and obnoxious as they can. And they do a fine job of it let me tell you. Well, in other news, the homework just keeps piling up on me. I don't think I'll ever have a time where I won't have any homework to do for the night. I guess that's what happens when you actually try to get something out of school, who knew? Well, I guess I better get back to work, there's plenty of lab reports to write and laughing at drunks to do. Holla.
2004 March
March 20, 2004: I know I haven't written in a while. To those like two of you (wishful thinking) that actually check this thing regularly, I'm sorry. For the rest of you, well you didn't care anyways so oh well. In any case, here's what's been going on. First things first. For all who may want to know I am no longer on the market. A one Karen Stone who goes to Maymount Manhattan College in NYC has stole me up. She went to high school in Wake County and is probably going to State in the fall. Simply put, she friggin rocks. Any more than that you'll have to ask me and I'll decide if I deem you important enough to know. In other has kept me busier than running snot on a toddlers face. I haven't had barely any time to sit down and just breathe, let alone update my beloved website. I've already figured out my summer schedule. I'll be taking four classes being: C programming, College Algebra and Trig, and two classes for my CCNA certification. Along with that I'm going to be doing Co-op for my Telecom group on top of still working four days a week at Best Buy. To see the full breakout hour by hour, check out the link below. Okay well I think that is more than enough for now. Hopefully I'll have some more time to update more frequently now. If not, I'm sure you all will get on without trouble. Peace.

March 3, 2004: Okay so lets see....I should be working on killing the mountain of homework I have to do, but I'm not. I have had a real hard time getting it done. I guess its because I know that there will always be homework to do, so no matter how hard I work at it, I'll never be done with it. Gah! Friggin' annoying. Let it be known that lab reports are evil. Okay what else. Well I must say that I have enjoyed my evergrowing friendship with a student from Marymount Manhatten. Yeah, that's in NYC in case you were wondering. Well see what's up when she comes home to good ole Cary for spring break. Hung out with Tracy Sunday night. That was great. I don't see that girl enough. Well I guess I better get back to climbing the neverending mountain. Ya'll have a good day now, and come back real soon, ya hear?!

2004 February
February 19, 2004: Minus the sleeping like crap, the tons of homework, and still not having a car, life is great. I'm really enjoying the classes I'm taking. Finally something I can get into. In other news, I've had the joy of meeting someone online that is absolutely cool as hell. Yay to meeting chill people that can actually hold a decent conversation. And to those who can really intrigue and challenge a person. Finished my taxes, somehow the state seems to think I owe them money. If anything, they owe me money. FU North Carolina government. Well that's it for now. If you feel like wasting any more time, scroll down and read some of the quizzie results I got. Peace.

February 13, 2004: Well, umm....kinda nothing new. Working twice a week. School. Homework. Small amounts of free time. Same old stuff, just a different day. Got paid today, so that was good. I'm officially $110 closer to my car. W00t. I am having a friend over tomorrow so that should be tight. Prolly just chill and watch a movie or something, we'll see. Thanks be to Andrew for introducing me to the wonderful world of DC++. It owns all. Was looking at apartment complexes in Greenville last night on the Web. It's looking pretty good. I can't wait, one year and five months left. Oh well better get back to my homework, got plenty to do. Oh and everyone check out the new album from Dido, Life For Rent. This is the playlist right now. Peace.

February 2, 2004: Okay so the new site has been up for a while now. What's everybody think? Hopefully only good things, hehe. Let's see....what's been going on in my life that would merit saying? Well, I did watch Bad Boys II with my favorite Phi Mu Saturday night. That was good stuff. Other than that there hasn't been anything all that interesting. I did however have three days off from school because of the snow/ice. A nice break it was, but I would have rather had it during my spring break which is where those three days will be taken from. Not cool at all. In other news, plans for a links page is in the works, although who knows when I'll actually get to it. If you have any suggestions for good sites, then by all means, let me know.
2004 January
January 29, 2004: Okay so the site finally got a little makeover. Yeah all I gotta say is anybody who don't like it can just deal with it. This took a LOT of time and effort. Not to mention the fact that I had to teach myself how to use Dreamweaver MX. So here it is folks. The new and improved Garage is here for your viewing. Take a good look, cause with a new Garage comes a new me. Any suggestions or problems with/for the site can be sent to me via AIM, Yahoo! Messenger or any of my emails....Oh, and if you have, for some reason, forgotten or lost any of the aforementioned names, see the Info page. Peace. 1-21-04: Okay time to sum up the weekend. Friday rocked. Saturday rocked. Sunday rocked. Monday rocked. Details are known to those who need to know. If you think you need to know, ask. Now to other busines....wait, what other business?? I don't do anything to merit telling. Maybe that's part of my problem. I'm really confused in its entirety about life right now, why? No clue. I guess I'm just not sure what my purpose is anymore. Day in and day out, it's the same old thing. Oh well, no more meaningless bitching for me, I'm gonna bounce. Here's a link to some new stuff I wrote last nightand some lyrics from Trapt that I liked.
I thought it would be nice to lie down and close my eyes
It never occurred to me that I am already asleep

Gibberish - 1/20/04

1-18-04: Aight so here I am, finally in Greensboro. It's been way too long. Friday night will be one for the books. And if you don't know, you better axe somebody! Woot! Okay well that's good enough for now, check back later for more of the good stuff!

1-8-04: Okay even though my nose is running like a leaky faucet I thought I'd write something cause I'm in a good mood. A good mood you say? Yes, thanks only to a wonderful discussion of Bob and Jane. f you don't know Bob and/or Jane, don't worry about it. Those who need to know, do. I haven't truely been in a good mood in a while until now. A huge burden of thought has been lifted off of my shoulders and I don't know how to thank Bob and Jane. Oh well maybe in a few months I'll be able to figure something out.

1-6-04: Don't really feel like writing anything so I'll just post the results of a quizilla I just took. Later.

You are Form 9, Vampire: The Undying. "And The Vampire was all that remained on the blood drowned creation. She attempted to regrow life from the dead. But as she was about to give the breath of life, she was consumed in the flame of The Phoenix and the cycle began again." Some examples of the Vampire Form are Hades (Greek) and Isis (Egyptian). The Vampire is associated with the concept of death, the number 9, and the element of fire. Her sign is the eclipsed moon. As a member of Form 9, you are a very realistic individual. You may be a little idealistic, but you are very grounded and down to earth. You realize that not everything lasts, but you savor every minute of the good times. While you may sometimes find yourself lonely, you have strong ties with people that will never be broken. Vampires are the best friends to have because they are sensible.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
2003 December
12-31-03: Just a note: there's a new bit of dribble from the mass called my brain in the writings section. Take a peek....Oh, and happy new year.

12-30-03: Well after being "reminded" that I haven't written anything I go again. Ummmm...nothing really going on with me right now. Just work Thursday through Sunday. I sit on my butt when I'm not at work cause I'm a loser and I've got noone to hang out with....My computer seems to be my only friend as of yet. Depressed by the realization that I have no chance at having anything close to a romantic relationship in the forseeable future...The only thing keeping me going right now is the desire to gain the one thing that gives me real peace...having my car to drive. Although I'm quite tired of doing nothing everyday, what am I to do? Like I said, no friends to hang out with cause they are all busy with other things and then they'll go back to school. I'm really not fond of bitching, I don't like to bring other people down. And even though a good friend said I don't bitch enough, I still don't like doing it. Ah well...I don't know. I am on the road I want to be on...I'd just like to take a break I guess. The problem is I don't have anyone to make taking a break worthwhile. I guess I need this Greensboro visit more than I first thought. I could use a bit of social interaction, or at the very least a bit of time in a college atmosphere. Okay well...I'm done for now I guess. I'm gonna go back to playing comp games and wishing I had a life....

12-22-03: Okay so its been a while since last I wrote. First things first: I got a 4.0 for the fall '03 semester. Go me! Yeah that freaking rocks, and whats more my dad is more proud of me than he has been in years so that rocks more. Life is pretty good right now. Can't wait to head up to G-boro to chill with the Committee and all my peeps up there. There is one thing thats kinda bumming me. A certain someone is kinda ignoring me I think. :'( This is pretty high on the sucky list. I don't know what I did but whatever it is I wish I hadn't done it. Hopefully I'll figure it out sometime soon. Finally getting into the spirit of the holiday, took a while. On that note, I'm gonna go and be merry and such. Happy Holidays to everyone, no matter what holiday it be! (Like a Committee member in MD) Peace.

12-11-03: Well its the last day...I presented my Intro to Film project today. I did a montage on racing. I got a 110 on it, so I'm pretty stoked. And with the 12 hours of work, 10 reboots, and countless amounts of frustration, I better have gotten that grade. I think it turned out really well and I wish I could put it up on my website, but it is way too big for that. Oh well, if you want to see it, and I hope you do, get in touch with me and I'll find some way to send it to you. It looks like I accomplished my goal for this semester. For those not in the know, that would be getting a 4.0 gpa this semester. I worked my butt off for it but I feel pretty good about it. I forgot how good doing well in school actually feels. I am hoping to get some time in the next month to do some changes to the site, I'm already tired with how it looks. But it'll only happen if I can get a hold of the materials I need to write the code for what I want. This is kinda sketchy right now. is same as it always has been: early and tiring. Every time I look at my bank account balance I remember why I'm doing it and get new strength. I will have my car. It's going a little quicker than I had originally figured, but you'll hear no complaints from me. Social life for me is still bordering on nil, so that kinda sucks. I miss always having something to do, somewhere to go, someone to see. Ah well I guess that's what I get for screwing up in school in the first place. Okay now that it's finally getting dark, I'm gonna go snap a roll of pictures before my Sociology of the Family class, and maybe a bit of last minute studying. Hope exams are going well, and have a safe trip home!

12-10-03: Well, only one more day of school for me and I couldn't be more greatful. This past week has been too hectic for my taste. I should be at school right now butI'm at home cause my instructor was nice enough to cancel the lab portion of my networking class. So now I'm studying for my Intro to Comps test I have at 4. Should be a piece of proverbial cake. Looking at going to G-boro sometime in January. I hope I can work it out, it's been way too long since I've seen the Committee. I'm kinda short winded today, a little burnt out from the week I guess. With that said, I'm gonna get back to studying. I hope that everyone's finals go okay. Good luck!

12-4-03: Okay a new week, a new entry.....Where to start...I'm so fried from all this school work I have to do between now and the end. Well, okay I got something now. EVERYONE must go to Digitally Imported for all of their streaming techno, classical, jazz, and latino music needs. It can play through Winamp or your Windows Media Player. It freaking rocks my current pair of socks. I'd be listening to it right now if the lab computer that I'm on didn't have broken speakers. (mumbles countless curses...) In any case I have my Relient K mix to keep me company. In other news, work is still early as all heck and I'm still saving for my freaking car. But here's the "new" in news. I might be getting a Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec-V instead of my Sunfire. I know this comes as a huge surprise, seeing I'm a Pontiac freak, heck I even changed my buddy icon to reflect it. But when you got a Big-Wig cousin at Nissan that could get you a car for half price, you might do the same thing. I'm kinda stoked about it actually. I don't have all the details yet, but when I do, you know where to look. (HINT-Here) Also, I saw my buddy Andrew's townhouse that he's moving into in January. It's awesome. Jealousy is definitely mine on this one. Oh well, I've been guranteed a couch when I want it so that's tight. Well...I guess that's about it for this week. While you have so much time on your hands during exam time, make sure you check out Strongbad. One look and you'll be hooked. Just what you need, another addiction during exams. Well, enjoy and good luck this week and next!!!!!
2003 November
11-28-03: Okay so today is Black Friday as all of us retail people call it. For everyone else it's the day after thanksgiving. I worked non-stop, full steam from 5:30-2. It was crazy, lemme tell you. There's nothing funnier than watching grown men run full sprint down the floor for that discounted dvd player. Besides all of the hard work I went and bought myself an SLR 35mm camera. It's the hotness. I can't wait to try it out. I bought two filter lenses and a sweet bag for it too. Ah well the one thing I was looking forward to this week isn't happening now because of my bitch ass parents. I was supposed to be going out to a movie with someone I don't get near enough time with, but nooooooo, they gotta go and whine about how I'm not gonna get enough sleep for work tomorrow and shit. They piss me off sometimes, and it's always right when you think they've started to get a weee bit cool. WRONG! Geez, even with it being so easy financially living under my parent's roof, I can't wait to get outta here. I can't stand having someone breathe down my neck every second. Ah well, I guess I'm done talking/ranting/bitching. I hope you're thanksgiving was good and that today was better for you than it was for me.

11-20-03: Is it Thursday again already? Man time flys when you work your ass off. Okay nothing really all that interesting since Sunday. Work, school, and homework. The same as always. I did, however, realize that the homepage was getting pretty big and long with all the news. So I did the only thing I could think to do: create the news archives page. Here you can see all the news that I've posted since the page first started. Well, minus the two most current ones, which will still be on the main page. I hope this helps some of you who can't seem to find the guestbook links (wink, wink). Ah well if not, then at least I like it better which I guess matters but I would really like some of your input as to what you would like to see on here. As of yet I've got next to nothing, even with multiple requests. Ah well, I guess I'm not really writing to anybody. Sadness :( Just in case there is actually someone with some ideas I'm gonna post my contact info just this once although you should have some way to get in touch with me. Even if it is just email, please send your comments and ideas!
AIM: someguynameddarb
Yahoo Messenger: someguynameddarb
11-16-03: Well, lets get you caught up on the weekend, shall we? Friday rocked my socks. I wound up seeing a certain estranged friend. Let me tell you what, it was one of the best nights I have had in a very long time. Here's where I would have inserted a comment about the amount of time since we last talked but I've rubbed it in too much as it is. I'm just glad that we are talking again. We went to Two Guys on Hillsborough St and then played some pool. We wrapped up the night at a nearby park just chillin. I wish I could have stayed out longer but work at 5 the next morning didn't help me any. This brings us to Saturday. After working from 5 am - 12:30 pm at Best Buy I worked at Target from 3-9 pm. Wonderful times, let me tell you. And now today, Sunday. Best Buy again, but this time from 4 am until 1:30 pm. That's a long day. Okay that's all I've got in me, check back later for more.

11-13-03: Hrmm...where to start? Well nothing much happened since my last post, so I guess I'll start with today. I worked at Best Buy from 5-12. It was more tiring than usual because I didn't sleep well last night and it was a freaking huge truck. Oh well, I survived. I watched part of Glory in my Intro to film class. Fun stuff and a good movie too! After falling asleep in the car for a while (felt freaking incredible!) ate dinner and came to the computer lab. I read my emails, which by the way made my day thanks to a friend back in the Boro. Umm...found a link that I'd like all the ladies that grace their presence with this site to check out this site to tell me what they think of this list. I found it interesting. Sorry for the tedious detail but I don't really have anything else much to say. Working on a few little updates for the site so maybe I'll get to those soon. Okay, time to leave you with a list of the stuff that I'm listening to right now. Have a good rest of the week!
    Norah Jones
    Random Country
    Relient K
    Bubba Sparxxx
11-9-03: Well it's not Thursday but I've got plenty to tell. Friday I went to the Art Museum with my favorite Croft girl. It was tons o' fun. Too bad it couldn't have lasted longer. Saturday I worked at Best Buy from 4 am until 12:30 pm. Yeah, mucho early. Then, I worked at Target from 3-9 pm. Yeah, mucho crappy. This obsession for a car is gonna kill me. Oh well! Today I worked from 4 am to 2 pm (10 hours) at Best Buy. Now for the good stuff of today. Good thing number 1: A good friend of mine from the G-Spot found a good man finally! Good thing number 2: An old friend that I haven't talked to in about a year, and who I figured I would never talk to again, IMed me out of the blue!!!! I am freaking exstatic right now. Not even funny, let me tell you. We are gonna hang out sometime this coming weekend. I can't wait, really this is gonna be sweet! Okay I think I'm done now. Just thought I'd share have a great week!!!!

11-6-03: Okay here's the weekly update. Last weekend I went to ECU as you may have known if you read this thing last week. It was a blast. Minus a little bit of drama (which I expected), I had tons o' fun. I hung out with some friends from church. I also saw two of my bestest friends from high school. Yea for me! Work is light this week, no complaints here. Had a Intro to Film test and Intro to Computers test on Tuesday. I got an 87.5 and 98 respectively. Again, no complaints here. Today I had to get up at 4 a.m. to be at work at Best Buy at 5. Let me tell you what, that was rough. Had to stock a 6,000 piece truck - yeah that's a bunch of crap. I have a test in Sociology of the Family today, in about 25 minutes to be exact. Currently my body is pretty much dead, I'm running on AMP and that's it. Before I run off for some last minute studying I'm gonna make a request. What are some of the websites that you visit regularly? I'm gonna make a links page and would like some input besides my favorite sites. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!! Just IM them to me if you have my screenname or email me. My address is at the bottom of the page. Okay, I'm out so "in case I don't see you, good afternoon, evening and good night!"
2003 October
10-30-03: Get ready kids! It's time for the Thursday Computer Lab Update! Yeah!!!!! Okay now that I have that outta my system, here's what's been going on lately. Saw a Croft girl on Sunday. Always enjoyable. Nothing else interesting for the week, just school and work as always. Going to Greenville tomorrow, I'm so stoked! (Yes I used that word, HA!) It'll be nice to have a vacation from life for a few days. On a different note, if you didn't know, Bubba Sparxxx's new album, Deliverance, is out. You should pick it up or at least download a few of it's songs. It's the current album on replay in my playlists. Still constantly tired, but I am sleeping slightly better, so that's good. Well since I am tired I'm just gonna leave you with some words of wisdom and whatnot from good ole Bubba:
~If I’m nowhere, then that nowhere will leave me no more need to worry
10-23-03: In the computer lab again, seeing a trend? Anyways let me tell you a little story. So here I am driving to school for class just as I always do. After I get there, I park in my usual area just as I always do. Here's where it gets to be not so normal: after I put the car into park, all I remember is sitting there for a few minutes and then the next thing I know, I am waking up twenty minutes later, car still running no less. Kinda freaked me out a little bit. Man, I gotta start sleeping better. It's not even that I'm not getting enough of it. I pass out by 10:30 every night. I need to stop waking up like every hour or so. I can't get a good night's sleep. It's freaking annoying. Maybe I've got a light case of insomina or something. Maybe it's stress. Maybe it's...heck I don't know what it is but it needs to stop. Anyways...only eight more days until I'm in ECU for Halloween with a bunch of friends for the weekend. I can't wait. It'll be a nice little vacation from my nonstop life. Well I think I've run out of things to say for now so I'll just leave you with this from Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffet:
Pour me something tall and strong
Make it a hurricane
Before I go insane
It's only half past 12
But i don't care
It's 5 o'clock somewhere
10-20-30: Okay I should be doing my homework right now but I just had to share my elation with you guys. So here I am, typing away at this lab report for my networking class when I hear that tell-tale chime which means I have a new IM. Well I go and read it and it's from someone I wouldn't have guessed. Me and her have been going through some rough times lately. And here she is typing away, explaining everything I had been wondering for the past few months. This whole time I'm still away so she doesn't know I'm reading it as she sends it. I don't think you can imagine how happy I am right now. Words just can't explain it. I'm smiling so hard right now it hurts, literally. I hope I can see her soon so I can do something I've been wanting to do for a very long time, give her a huge hug. Okay, I'm done, back to work....

10-16-03: Just a little something new: Diza Hood

10-15-03: Okay so, tomorrow starts fall break for me, woo hoo!!!! Well really, its only one day cause I already have Fridays off, but it's okay, I'll take my one day. I finally finished the Engine & Exhaust section of the car page. I feel productive. :) On a different note, pray real hard for two friends of mine. My boy Lo's best friend isn't doing too hot in the health department. My good friend Erin just made the hardest decision of her life: to break up with her (no offense girl) dead beat boyfriend. She's going through a rough time so keep her in mind when talking to the Big Man upstairs. Okay well, sorry to leave that on a sour note, but that's all I've got for now. Still requesting ideas for a bigger better site. I haven't gotten a single one! :(

10-12-03: Okay so I noticed I haven't done any updating in a while. Let me see if can I get you up to speed on what has been going on lately. Sunday the 5th I hung out with my favorite "Croft" girl as she would like to be mentioned as. We watched Holes. It was pretty damn good actually, especially for a live action Disney movie. Thursday the 9th I had work and two papers due. Fun stuff, let me tell you what! Yesterday I worked all day as usual, ah well its money. Every week I come that much closer to getting my car, yay!!! That brings us to today. Today was pretty uneventful. I didn't have to work this morning, for those of us counting that's two Sundays in a row, its a record or something I swear. Oh well no complaining from me. Got my church on instead, which is always good. Oh! And I saw my "lil sister" today too! It's been too long. As far as the site goes, I worked out a few little bugs. This week I hope to start back on finishing the car page section. It's only half done, as you might have noticed, so I'll have plenty to do for a while. One last thing before I jet: Thanks to everyone who has given me compliments on the site. I really appreciate it. And to those who come here time and again and don't leave any love-I will find out who you are and you will be held accountable, heh heh. Okay that's all for now, I'm out like a fat kid in dodge ball....wait a minute....I was that fat kid in dodge ball....

10-1-03: Just a little note to say that I did decide to put in the car navigation bar tonight, enjoy!

10-1-03: I'm at the computer lab at school again...waiting for my next class to start...god I hate that class. I could teach it better than the instructor can. Oh well...As far as the navigation bar for the car section goes, the code is written just not posted. I just haven't had the time to do it with my class workload right now. Sorry to all of you (if any, prolly not) that have been waiting for it, hehe. Maybe I'll put it up after I get home from school. Maybe not, I'll just have to see. Oh, and another thing...I'm trying to collect more quotes for the quote page so if youve got a good one you want to share with the world, email or im me, or post it in the guestbook, thanks. Any other comments or things you would like to see in reference to the site would be great. I'm always looking for ways to make it better. Okay that's it for now, peace.
2003 September
9-27-03: Had both jobs today, man I'm tired as heck. Also, found out that one of my good friends, after just getting back in touch with her after like a year, is moving to Indiana. Just after I get her back, I lose her again. Ah well, thus is life. I sure am gonna miss you Mixy, you better keep in touch!!!!

9-26-03: Okay so its only like 8:30 or something but I'm already tired. If you haven't noticed, I've got a navigation bar of sorts up now. The one for the car pages is in the works. I figured that if you are gonna grace me with your time at this site, the least I could do was help you get around a little better. Okay that's it for me today, I'm off to bed, what a party pooper I am....:(

9-25-03: Okay so I'm in the computer lab at Wake Tech, waiting for my Sociology of the Family test to take place. I thought I'd cool my nerves by updating this thing I'm absolutely addicted to. I'm still listening to the new Limp Bizkit cd. I love it more everyday. Most definitely a keeper. Missing all my peeps in the G-Spot pretty hard right now. It's hard not having my boys nearby, holla guys, cause when I get up there, the Cap'n is gonna represent Jamison Committee style just like old times. To all my G-Spot ladies, here's my love in truck loads. For now I'll just keep holding down the 919 like we do over this way. Holla if you love me, holla if you don't, hell just holla!!! Peace out boys and girls, I'll catch you on the flip side. Until then, here's the first verse and chorus from Limp's new song, "The Only One."
hold up you’re movin’ too fast
i’m up for something that lasts
i ain’t looking to screw on the first night
cause that’s a no go
and if the vibe’s good, go to first base
‘ cuz the first kiss could be your last taste
i ain’t looking to screw ‘till the vibe’s right

see I’m the only one you know
that can put you on cruise control
yeah i’m the only one you’ll find
that won’t waste all my time, on nothing
9-23-03: Picked up two new albums today. One is freaking hot as monkeys in april. Everyone needs to go out and pick up the new one from Limp Bizkit, Results May Vary. This shit is mad crazy, its the hotness. The other one I picked up was Obie Trice, Cheers. The verdict is still out on this one. That's it for today I think, holla.

9-21-03: Added people page.

9-20-03: Hung out with an old friend today, its been way too long. Had so much fun. Went to this mexican place I love, too bad it didn't agree with my friend too well. :( I can't wait to do it again!

9-19-03: Added links to information in the info page. Finished changing the formatting for the car pages, finally. Gotta love not having school or work on Fridays!

9-18-03: Hey all! Okay so this is my first attempt at a webpage so dont laugh! Man, I don't think I have ever had so much fun being as frustrated as I get while working on this thing. So be grateful!!! If you don't know already, I'm an obsessive car freak. But there's more to me than just my car plans, I swear! Click and scroll through the site to delve into the world of me, peace!