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Pictoral Emotion

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Three-30_4-Fourty Five

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Maybe I am too nice
Maybe I am too sweet
Maybe I am easy to be taken advantage of
Maybe I let it be too easy for me to love
But one thing I know is sure
Is that I seek the one true cure
To heal this pain I hide behind a smiley face
That keeps growing at a faster pace

A trooper, a baseball, a monk and a cue,
These have been my problems, this is true.
And at each turn I have taken the blows,
Pretending not to feel my heart as it slows.
Here is my face, looking at you masked,
Hiding the fact that my life is fading fast.
Yet here I am, sitting with you
Knowing that I ache with a love still so true
You squeeze my heart and I scream “Baby!
Why do you insist and still enslave me!?”
This pain I will lose, this I vow
Although I have yet to figure our how.

And now I sit and wonder why
I came to fall from somewhere so high
And every day I sit and try
To tell myself, “I’ll just get by.”
But in me I just can’t deny,
This constant feeling of really needing to cry.
Each night I get in bed and there I lie,
Trying to restrain this tear from my eye.
Soon I know I’ll just roll over and give a sigh,
Telling myself that, “I’ll just get by.”

Maybe time is what I need
To be a little selfish, give into a bit of my own greed
Maybe distance is what I should let grow
But resistance is what I just can’t let go
She may have my heart
But I still have my strength
Her being my priority can no longer be my option, at any length.
Maybe time will let my heart grow a new seed
The right path I seek, lead me I plead!
Once again one road turns to two
Which one will I take?
The old or the new?
The old is easy, covered with worn gravel
The new is more difficult, it will take strength to travel
This is my decision, this is my mission
Although it will be hard, I think I will be like Huck
And take the new, wish me luck!