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Meet the Goddess

Teresa Ann Foxworthy -- Emerging Goddess Biography - Teresa Foxworthy

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Meet Teresa

Teresa Ann Foxworthy has developed more than 200 personal growth programs over the last 20 years. Author of 365 WAYS to Be a GODDESS, and the GODDESS HANDBOOK, and director of the goddess show, RADIANCE thru DANCE MEDIATION, Ms. Foxworthy has been cultivating her feminine wisdom for many years. Developing her inner warrior has been equally powerful. Together, the integration has brought a deeper sense of personal fulfillment on her spiritual path of awakening. Her background in dance, technology, divinatory arts, and spiritual evolution is an unusual combination.

She is a Goddess, in that she opens her soul to the Divine Essence of Love to guide her. Having been on the journey of the emerging goddess since she was a young child, she is available to share her insights and wisdom with others. Channeling love and light, common sense and celestial influence, this goddess is adept at personal transformation and artistic vision.

Opening to Love brings radiance and rejuvenation on every level of your being. Having had her first spiritual awakening when she was five years old, Teresa's life path has unfolded with the grace and challenges that have shaped her into the intriguing creature she is today.

Encouraging to others, she offers the light of truth and love wherever she goes. Whether it is the tender dew of Quan Yin, or the purifying fire of Kali, a goddess knows how to surf any situation. In this way, Teresa is a Goddess-Emerging, learning every day, in every way, how to be of service as her soul's evolution progresses.

Available to those who need emotional and spiritual support, Teresa learns the value of dharma and offers angelic rays of hope to others. The divine dance of the universe is a magical journey for each of us...

She’s lived in France, Canada, & Switzerland, and both sides of the U.S. Having been a coach and consultant for individuals and organizations, both here and abroad, she is most successful working with people who are ready for personal growth. Currently accepting new clients, Ms. Foxworthy is also available for team trainings and speaking engagements.




More Goddess...

The Dating Coach
Astrological Readings
True Tantra - Conscious Union
The Path to the Beloved Events
Read what Teresa's Clients are HERE!
Group Coaching Program
Feng Shui Elegance - Auspicious Designs for Harmony

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