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20th July
So I've just got back from my hols and the site hasn't been updated much, can u tell?, but you can forgive me surely. So, last week's MM had about the conv. and this week's has about the new single and VIDEO!!! which I haven't seen yet, get a move on Mtv. Yeah, look out for the image change. HINT: more Mansun:)

5th July
Buy both NME and Melody Maker this week, short and sweet things on ICODU stuff that we all already know like bsides (oops, just remembered i haven't posted it on here:( ). They are also in my local paper as you can see from the photo below:

4th July
The convention rocked people. Hello to all the new mates that I made and I hope to see you lot at the Colchester read the review click here. To see the new rant click here.

1st July
tomorrow: THE CONVENTION, see you there.

27th June
MORE WARM UPS EXACTLY WHERE I PREDICTED: IN COLCHESTER:) MY HOME TOWN, yeah anyway on the 1st Aug at Colchester Arts Centre and the 31st July in Bury St Edmunds. I'll be at both, see you there. I am such a Mystic Meg ppl.

21ST June
The song is so amazing, soon an mp3 link to it for those who missed it. And a special edition on mansun rants here. Shakin' that ass.

19th July

15 th June
Update on the Convention: there’s gonna be a Quizette which no-one else must enter coz I want to win, a comp for the Most Mansun Looking person (out come the frillies), Mansun related music to boogie to including Magazine, Sex Pistols and Bee Gees! And Mansun, and Mansun vids playing on the Tvs. And, brace yourselves, exlusive tracks from LITTLE KIX. It’s gonna be one hell of a night (as Pulp would say) Visit the official site for more details.

14 th June
Everyone buy the Melody Maker NOW!!!!!!!! News on how Mansun almost died (sob sob, genuine tears) in an explosion. It was actually a fire set off by an explosion but that way it sounds much more exciting to non-Mansun fans that you happen to tell. Imagine if they had died…no, that’s too hideous. Oh my God, and it would have been all four of them. But a thought to go on is: if they went outside straight from being in bed, the were probably either in their underwear or **naked**. Just a thought to make the pain go away.

10th June
70 DAYS TIL V2000. I think I might stop this coz it's not as exciting anymore what with the new EP and Little Kix and Portsmouth and Brighton.

8th June
This week Mansun are in both NME and Melody, which is nice. the piccie in NME is the same as the parlophone one but bigger:) and the one in MM is new!!! And very blue.

7th June
More news than you can ever imagine!!! Check out the official site for detailed info but here are the basics:
Little Kix released 14 August
I Can Only Disappoint U released 31st July

And there's a tracklisting too. I. Am. So. Excited. And I'm going to Portsmouth (hopefully) so I'll see you there. (mail me if you're going too).

6th June
WARMUP ALERT!!! On the 17th August in Portsmouth Wedgewood Rooms and on the 18th August at the Brighton Concord. And nowhere near here!! They could add on one at the Colchester Arts Centre for me:( Pretty Please.

5th June

3rd June
They're gonna release the new Mansun album in Japan before they are here, which frankly is outrageous. According the mansunite site it's released on the 23 July, and the Little Kix will be out here in early August. To read me ranting and raving about this click here.

27th May
Parlophone have sent the new update out, it has new info which either reinforces or contradicts what Melody Maker say. If you don't recieve the mag check it out here.

24th May
So this week the mag to get is most definatly Melody Maker. Check out that picture. "Right lets get mansun looking more hideous than you can ever imagine". The new album is full off "top 10 hits" and "they're gonna be as big as U2". It also looks like we'll have to wait until October for the album now. I'm sure thay they said that a year ago...And I'm now officially going to the Convention:)
And a little update on V2000. Jurassic 5 will be playing before Mansun now too: yay! 'lets take you back to the concrete streets original beats and real live mcs, playground tactics, a rabbit in a hat trick just that classic rap shit from Jurassic'.

17th May
Two reasons to get NME this week: firstly there's a little ad about the Convention (by the way, a secret source tells me that they're not going to do a simple draw for the boiler suit etc, there's gonna be a competition of somesort, ouch. Kareoke is my bet), and also coz there's been a change in the V line up before Mansun, and things are looking up. Now it's: Hefner, Soulwax, Dum dums, St Etienne, Bloodhound Gang, and Andreas is on the main stage:)My cousin won't be pleased.

11th May
Ok, it's officially 100 DAYS UNTIL V2000. How exciting. And it turns out that they're only doing that festival this year, according to Stove. One more thing, the mansaphone says that it's a week now, blatently two weeks since they said two weeks, how very Mansun.

26th April
I dunno if any of you have rung up the mansaphone recently but Stove rather reasuringly says that they'll be out of the studio in 2 weeks. Wow. That'll be the album done then, and the 5 EPs we have been promised. Also, I met Kate Catchesides/the laid back hen (writer for Cult of Positivity and Smelling the Roses) at the Dandy warhols gig last night and she has informed me that she (and Tom catchesides and Vicky Farrant) will be going into the studio tomorrow (27th) to interview them for COP fanzine which will be out the day of the Convention (email Matt Wales for details). It's the 2nd July at the Liverpool Lomax (I think) and i can't go:(

12th April
It is announced on what day Mansun are to play V2000. They will be on the Mtv/ Stage where the lineup is:
Supergrass, MANSUN, Bloodhound gang, Saint Etienne, Dum Dums, Andreas Johnson +others tba.
They are playing in Chelmsford on the 19th August (saturday) and in Staffordshire on the 20th August (sunday). Tickets are £66 and £76 with camping for the weekend, and £37.50 for a day ticket.