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~Personal Stats~

Real Name- Monty "Kip" Sopp.
Birthday- November 1, 1963
Birthplace- Orlando, Flordia.
Hometown- Central Flordia.
Parents- Nancy and Peter.
Siblings- 1 sister
Marital Status- Married to Tina for thepast decade
Children- 2 sons ages 9 and 5.
Pets- 2 Shaprei puppies Dusty and Ducati. 1 cat Katie Bug.
Education- Attended Sam Houston State in Texas. On a bullriding scholarship.

~Wrestling Stats~

Ring Name- Billy Gunn, Bad Ass Billy Gunn, Mr Ass "The One" Billy Gunn.
Former Aliasis- Kip Winchester,RockaBilly.
Been Wrestling for-12 years.
Pro Debut-1992.
Height- 6'4.
Weight-268 pounds.
Finishing Manuver- Fam-ASS-Er.
Career Highlights-1999 King of the Ring, Hardcore Champion, Intercontinental Champion, 8 time Tag Team Champion (3 times with Bart Gunn in the Smoking Gunn's and 5 times with Road Dogg in the New Age Outlaws).
Tag Teams/Stables- Smoking Gunn's, New Age Outlaws, and DeGeneration-X with Road Dogg, X-pac, Triple-H, and Chyna.
