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Ever meet Billy Gunn? Have a story, pics, AnYtHiNg? Email it to us!

Allyson's meeting with NAO
December 4, 1999 in NYC

So my father decides not to wake me up at 10, cause the thing starts at 2, even after I said I want to leave by 10:30 because of the traffic into Manhatten. Tourist season. Why people feel the need to come to NY for this season I'll never know, but there's always an insane amount of traffic because of them. Get out of my state when I'm going to see The Outlaws!!! So he gets me up at 11:30, and when I was done screeching at him, I got ready in about five minutes and we went into the city. TONS of traffic, but my father found a back way to go, so we were there by 12:30. We got to be about 30th in line, and I told him to stay there while I went to buy a camera and some gum. I hadn't had breakfast, and I was hungry, so I got gum. Yeah, I know, but I'm a college student. So they got there around 1:30, in this huge white limo. Dogg got out first, then Billy, who is about enormous in height, and twice as broad. Good God that man is built like a rock!!! He was wearing a red muscle shirt and it was stretched out!!!!! And Dogg was wearing a grey shirt and shorts. So we get inside at 2, like promised, after inhaling soot from a smokestack outside, and being harassed by people who wanted to know what the line was for. So then they let us in, and since we had a good spot on line, we got up there early, and I took off my jacket, and whipped out my SHARPIE pen! Those of you who saw the " Inside the wrestlers fannypacks " segment on Livewire know what I'm talking about. So I'm snapping pics as they're signing stuff for the people before us. So this one little girl, maybe 5, runs up to the table and starts running in circles around it, much to the shame of her parents who are chasing her. So Doggie picks her up and gives her a hug, and I just about melted into the floor. So then my father says I let out an " AWWWW!!!!! " which I don't remember, but I must have said, cause Dogg looked up at me and smiled, and said " You want a hug too? " I froze.

Then, with a poke from my father, walked up there and held out my CD. Then I remembered my Sharpie, and blurted " I brought you a Sharpie. " I felt like killing myself!!!!!! But he smiled, and said " Wow, offerings. How cool. " So I grinned and said " OH! And I have gum, in case you're hungry. " So my father says " Wow, empty wrappers, aren't you nice! " I shot him a look that would've sent Hitler running. But they opened em and Dogg said, " Nope, it's real! "

So I turn around and say without thinking " Yeah, I'm not cheap! " Then I turned beet red as Dogg said " That's good to know! " So by this time they've signed my stuff, and we've shook their hands, ( Billy's hand almost killed me!!! ) and I turn to walk away and Dogg yells, " Don't you want your hug? " So I ran, and I mean, RAN back to him and pretty much leapt onto him and hugged him hard!!!! So he's laughing now, and he said to Billy " Wow, she gives good hugs! " So Billy holds out his arms, so I hugged him, then wished them good luck that night and said I'd seem them there. When we got outside I almost burst into tears, I was so happy! Unfortunately, my father's mental, and forgot to take a picture while I was hugging them, but I have one this guy took while we were up there.

Kelly's Meeting with Billy
March 28, 1999 (Wrestlemania 15)

Wrestlemania was the best show I ever attended and I've been too plenty. We got there like 9 hrs before the show started and it was freezing outside. We saw most of the wrestlers enter the arena(Except for Billy) along with loads of press and all. Some of them were really nice but at the FUC in Philidelphia your sorda up higher and it's hard too get a autograph. Out of all the guys and gals who entered X-Pac and Jeff Jarett had too be the most ignorant ones out of all of them! Even Viscera was nice..LoL.

After the show we went back too our hotel too get some sleep for the drive home in the morning. We were just getting on the elevator and Triple-H and Billy Gunn were coming on. Now at this point I froze and was completley speachless, I mean we all just saw Hunter ditch DX and here he is with Billy =) They were extremly nice, but you can tell they were deadbeat tired. I got their autographs and that was it. Hunter is my main man so I was a little bit focused on him more than Billy though (Sorry Billy). Here is my autograph from Mr Ass that Night. Overall he is extremly sweet when ya meet him =)