Honeybear is a Hackney Pony that was rescued from the Kansas
Abuse Case. He was wild, starved and terrified of humans. He is
being trained by Susan who is using Parelli methods. She
is getting a little help occasionally from Jenny, a
certified Parelli instructor. When Susan got Honeybear,
he would not allow himself to be touched or approached. Because he could
not be properly cared for, it was imperitive for him to
accept touching from farriers, vets and his owner.
Honeybear has now been with Susan for three weeks, is haltered,
rubbed, scratched and led with minimal resistance. He
is ready for trailer loading 101. His first trip will be
to Pine Dell Farm where he will meet the Farrier and other
folks to be socialized.
As new hurdles are conquered, they will be posted here.
Shortly after being caught the first time.
The first catch
Training a horse does not take place on Saturday and Sunday
with a miracle-working big-name trainer, although some
problems may be improved at these clinics. Horse/mule training
happens with daily work, sweat, knowlege, dedication, commitment,
love, patience, imagination and consideration for the horse/mule.
Notice that the rope is slack and there is no eye contact.
Update, July 27, 1999
Update, August 1, 1999
Update, August 7, 1999
Update, August 15, 1999
Update, August 29, 1999