March News
If you haven't sent your recipes to Marcia -- please do so ASAP --
if you have sent them send more
She will be sending them to the publisher next week

Wow!! We initiated a new member last Thursday!!
The initiation was beautiful and all the officers did a fine job!!
Please welcome to our Chapter -- Sister Jackie Alt
We had some visitors who helped with Initiation
Sister Mary Ann Stevens - Organist Pro Tem
Sister Jerrie Wilcox - Marshall Pro Tem
Sister Chris Kennedy - District Grand Supervisor
Sister Jerrie and Sister Chris also helped with opening as Adah and Ruth
Brother Wayne Stevens held down the sidelines

Sister Sue and I both have some registration packets for Grand Chapter,
we can get more if we need them, or we can copy some. The registration deadline is April 25,
make sure you get yours in, especially if you would like to attend
any of the luncheons or banquets.
Contact Sister Sue or Sister April if you need one.
Let's have a huge turnout for our Grand Electa - Sister Sharron --
especially for Initiation Wednesday Night.
Aside to WM, WP, AM, AP -- be sure you can attend or
send your proxy with someone.
You will need to make your own hotel reservations, the packets
have information on Eastern Star rates at some of the Lincoln hotels.
There will be a "Silent Auction" at Grand Chapter, so if you would
like to donate a "Basket" please let me know -- I have the information.
The will also be a book exchange. So bring a book, and take a book.
Books not taken will be donated to the homes for their libraries.

Contact Sister Sue or Sister April for information on the Peace Garden trip
April News
News from our April Meeting!!
There is quite a bit this month -- we have lots of info about Grand Chapter and our
Scholarship Awards
(drum roll please)
Brother Ervin Imig has been appointed Grand Representative Maine in Nebraska!!
We will be looking forward to hearing about Maine Eastern Star in our meetings!
Sister Elizabeth Imig has been appointed Grand Page to Grand Warder!!
We are so proud of you!!

We are also honored to have other Luna Chapter Sisters and Brothers serving this year at
Grand Chapter
Grand Electa - Sister Sharron Gilson
Sister Sharron, we have been so proud to have you represent our Chapter this year!!
Parliamentarian - Sister Cynthia Timmermier
Page Coordinator - Sister Susan Hedges
Let's have a big turnout this year to support our Sisters and Brothers.
Those members being recognized this year as
Honor Stations
Chaplain, Marshal, and Organist -- 2007-2008
Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons -- 2007-2008
both groups will be introduced at the Wednesday 9:00 AM session.

The registration deadline is April 25. I can copy and send you a form if you need one.
E-Mail me!! If you don't plan on attending any of the luncheons or banquets you may register at
Pershing Auditorium. Registration fee is $2.00. Please have your 2008 dues card with you.
Don't forget about the Book Exchange and the Silent Auction!!

We all got a chance to look at the Scholarship Applications at the meeting,
Sister Sue had everyone vote -- Here are the results.
Masonic Marching Band Scholarship Recipients:
Elkhorn High School:
Kyle Toliver - Trombone
Caroline Hasse - Mellophone
(she attended last year and loved it)
Congratulations -- Both Students and the Band Director have been notified.
Eastern Star Scholarship:
DC West High School
Jade Ricker
Elkhorn High School
LaShanna Bernstein
Award Letters and information have been sent to students and Guidance Counselors
We had quite a few applications from Elkhorn High School.
Our winner received 5 votes from our members. Two other applicants received votes.
Haleigh Riggle, 4 votes, and Kelly Morris, 2 votes.
An Awards Recognition Dinner is being planned by the Lodge,
I will let you know the details as soon as I have them.

Thanks to all who have submitted recipes for our book. This will be a yummy project!!!
Sister Marcia received almost 250 recipes, and do they sound yummy!!!
The book name will be "Recipes of the Stars" . We will begin taking orders at Grand Chapter and hopefully have the books delivered in time for Grand Assembly.
Our final cost will be about $5.75 per book.
More info at Recipes of the Stars

Happy Birthday!!
One of our new "traditions" is honoring birthdays each month!!
April Birthdays
Cynthia Timmermier -- April 22

Past Matrons - Past Patrons
Luna Chapter Past Matrons and Past Patrons met at El Bees in Waterloo!! Seven attended and we
all had a good time and good food
Corsages will be ordered for all Chapter Members participating at Grand Chapter
A swimming party later in the summer was discussed
May News
Lots going on - here are some of the things from our May meeting

It was really nice to see our newest Sister, Jackie Alt-Vanata at the meeting!! Congratulations are in order. She was recently married!!

Everyone who attended Grand Chapter really enjoyed it!!
It was wonderful to see Brother Bob and Sister Kathy there!!
We really do miss them!!
We are really proud of those who participated this year!!
Sister Sharron did a beautiful job with her lecture as Grand Electa!!
We are soo proud of her!!
Her Grand Companion, Brother (and brother) Larry Smith marched with her.

Brother Bob Attebery presided over the Jurisprudence Committee and opened
Grand Chapter Thursday Evening!!
Sister Elizabeth was a beautiful Grand Page, and we were so proud when she unexpectedly stepped up and filled in for Grand Warden during the out-going March Thursday morning!
Brother Erv marched with the Grand Representatives, and gave us a report on some of the fun they had at the Grand Representatives breakfast.
(at 6:45 AM no less)
Sister Sue did a great job again this year with the Grand Pages, and she marched, and was introduced with the 2008 Worthy Matrons.
Sister Cynthia kept order as Parliamentarian. She did a fine job
Sister April was introduced with the 2007 Chaplains.
We were glad to see Sister Nancy Armbrust and Sister Hazel Arnold at the Wednesday Night Initiation.
Thanks also to Past Matrons and Past Patrons for the white rose corsages and boutonnières for those who participated on the Grand Floor!!

I hope everyone goes by the Lodge and notices the sprucing up of the building. The Masonic Emblem has been repainted, and the Lights on the side have been cleaned up and replace. It looks great. It was voted to contribute 40% of the cost for the work.

The Cookbooks have been sent to the publisher and will be ready about June 15, we can start taking orders anytime.
You can see what they will look like at our web site. There is also an order form there.
They will be $15.00 each. Yummy, Yummy!!

Rainbow Girls report --- Grand Assembly is coming up!!
June 13- 15. Ariel Moats will be initiated Saturday night!!
Meagan Lasiter will be presiding at the Grand Cross brunch as Mistress of Ceremonies (She will be doing the same at Supreme Assembly in Chicago in July)
Let's all support these girls. Let Sister Elizabeth know if you would like to attend any of the sessions!!

Our District meeting will be on June 21 in the evening. More information soon!!

Get ready for Fireworks!! We will be in the same location as last year. Please come out and help as much as you can!!

Our annual Friendship Night and Ice Cream Social will be on July 17. We will be asking all the officers to either make homemade ice cream or bars. Let Sister Marcia know!! The officers will be serving our guests!! We usually have a big crowd!! Lots of fun!!

A garage sale was discussed for August 23. (we could probably just open my house and clean it out -- everything goes) . We can work on it at a pot luck at our August meeting.

Today is Memorial Day!! Don't forget those who have served our country!! We have added a Memorial
Day Page to our web site. It has the History of the "Blue Ribbon Banner" or the "Service Flag" and the History of "Taps" --- be sure and visit!! Click on the link below to visit!!
Watch for June holidays like Flag Day and Father's Day!! Coming Soon --- and sign our Guest Book!!

Well, that is about it for this month -- Our next stated meeting is June 19 -- see you all there
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All About Us
Luna Chapter Home Page
Luna Chapter News 2008
Luna Chapter 2009 Schedule
Tribute to Our 50 Year Members
Past Matrons and Past Patrons
Recipes of the Stars Cookbook
Past Matrons - Past Patron Terms
Marcia Imig and Ervin Imig 2009
Sue Hedges and Ervin Imig 2008 // Traditions in Photos
Amanda Hyde Kloke - Ervin Imig 2007
Elizabeth Imig - Ervin Imig 2006 // "Fun on the Beach" 2006 Photo Album
Sharron Gilson - Allan Rolfs 2005 // 2005 Memories Around the Chapter
April Scott - Robert Attebery 2004 // Ark Photo Gallery 2004
Our Worthy Grand Patron
Robert Attebery, Worthy Grand Patron 2001-2002
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Created March 1, 2008
Last updated January 12, 2009* - (12/15-55)80
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