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Top 10 lists 

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"Evil will always triumph because good is dumb!"
 - Dark Helmet, Spaceballs


- Okay, lets try this again. Here's my second try at revamping (pardon the pun) the page. 
- 87 Brood links? Holy #%$@! 
- Guess who's got her new scanner??? Me me me me! Losta new Brood scans. Go to the images section. 
- Do you like the above image?  I didn't draw it, It's a scan of a T-shirt ad that's been heavily modified. If you take it for use on another webpage, please give me credit. I nearly smashed up my 'puter trying to get it to look right. =) 


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Hey, folks, if you're ever on the official WWF chat, there's a BROOD group there! Go see their Web page: [THE BROOD WWF CHAT HOMEPAGE]



  The Legal Bit: 

The characters of Edge and Christian belong to Titan Sports, and 'Gangrel' was created by White  Wolf inc. (A kick @$$ gaming company, check 'em out!) All images and music are legally owned by   Titan Sports. Please don't sue me.  All you'll get is a semi-working CD player, this lousy computer,   and a wad of well chewed Bazooka Joe. This page was created by a fan for the fans and no profit is  being made whatsoever.