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Recommended Bridge Reading

  • Two Over One Game Force by Max Hardy - this is considered the bible by most players.

  • Washington Standard by Steve Robinson - this has some improvements over Hardy's approach.

  • Andover Standard by JackM - this takes the best from both Hardy and Robinson with a smattering of ideas from other authors.

  • Commonsense Bidding by Bill Root

  • Modern Bridge Conventions by Bill Root and Dick Pavlicek - a little outdated but still useful.

  • How to Play a Bridge Hand by Bill Root

  • How to Defend a Bridge Hand by Bill Root

  • Balancing by Mike Lawrence - the best book on this subject.

  • To Bid or Not to Bid by Larry Cohen - the best treatment of the Law of Total Tricks (not, however, invented by Cohen).

  • Any book by Mike Lawrence - thought by many to be the best writer on the game.

  • Any book by Eddie Kantar - thought by many to be the best writer on the game.

  • How the Experts Win at Bridge by Hall & Hall - a new book, which contains a very clear and authoritative discussion of how the best players are playing the game today. Read this book!!!

  • Modern Losing Trick Count by Ron Klinger - a useful method of evaluating hand strength when point count is inadequate.

  • 100 Winning Bridge Tips by Ron Klinger - really useful Bridge tips by a great Bridge Writer.

  • 50 More Winning Bridge Tips by Ron Klinger - just what the title says.

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