Game Tries after a Major Suit Raise (Steve Robinson)
After a single raise, a game try may be made in three ways:
1) Raising to the three level. This shows a six-card suit and 16 or 17 HCP. Responder goes to game with a maximum raise (9 or 10 HCP).
2) Bidding 2NT. This shows a 5-3-3-2 distribution with 16 or 17 HCP and at least one honor in every suit. Responder bids either 3NT or 4 of the major with a maximum raise (9 or 10 HCP), and bids 3 of the major or passes with a minimum.
3) Bid a new suit at the 3 level (Help Suit Game Try). This is done with a couple of points less than would ordinarily be necessary to make a game invitation (15 or 16 points). The "Help" suit is a suit with 2 or more losers. (Examples: xx xxx xxxx Axx Axxx Kxx Kxxx Qxx Qxxx).
Responder will usually accept the game try with good help (0 or 1 loser), even with a minimum raise. (Examples: x Ax Kx KQx KJTx).
Responder will usually reject the game try with bad help (2 or more losers), except with a maximum raise. (Examples: xxx Jxx xxxx Qx Qxx). He may elect to bid the game with bad help but a maximum single raise.
Responder with bad help in the "help" suit and a maximum raise may make an invitational bid by bidding a suit of his own to show values in the suit (Kings and Queens are good values to show, but not Aces. Aces are always good, but Kings and Queens can be worthless opposite shortness).
Since Opener may be thinking about slam, when Responder has a maximum raise and good cards for slam, he accepts
the game try by bidding his better minor at the 4 level. Accepting the game try by bidding 4 of the Major denies
good cards for slam.
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