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Tip No. 10


Minor Suit Jump Raise as Blackwood

In many auctions where a minor suit will be trumps, RKC Blackwood can force the bidding to slam where 2 or more key cards are missing. The following alternative (basically a form of RKC Gerber) can be used:

1) After a raise of a minor suit opening to the two level, a jump to 4 of the minor asks Responder to show key cards.

2) In general, whenever a minor suit has been agreed, a jump bid of this minor to the 4 level asks for key cards.

After partner's first response, showing key cards, further bids may be an attempt to locate the trump queen, to check on the possession of kings, or to ascertain controls in a specific suit.
The rules for doing this are as follows:

1) Key cards are shown in steps, starting with the first available bid. For example, if diamonds are the agreed trump suit, 4H shows 1 or 4 key cards, 4NT shows 2 key cards without the trump Queen, etc.

2) After the showing of key cards, a bid of 5 of the minor by either partner is a sign-off.

3) If the first key card response does not speak of the trump queen, the next bid up the line is a Queen Ask. Partner shows the Queen by cue-bidding his cheapest king, or bidding 4NT if he has no king other than the King of trumps. Partner denies the Queen by signing off with the cheapest bid in the trump suit.

4) If the first key card response does not speak of the trump queen, a bid one higher than the next bid up the line is asking for Kings. Partner cue-bids his cheapest king. With no king other than the King of trumps, partner signs off with the cheapest bid in the trump suit.

5) If the first key card response does speak of the trump queen, the next bid up the line is asking for kings. Partner cue-bids his cheapest king. With no king other than the King of trumps, partner signs off with the cheapest bid in the trump suit.

6) Any bid other than a Queen Ask or a King Ask is a Control Asking Bid, asking about the King of that suit. This is only done when the King is all that is needed for a Grand Slam. Responder denies the King by bidding the next higher suit. He confirms the King by bidding either the suit above the next higher, 5NT or 7 of the agreed trump suit.

This may seem quite complicated, but it is worth the effort to learn it. It can help avoid a lot of "Down-1" slam bids. Note that this subject is covered in the highly acclaimed Andover Standard.

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