Unusual over Unusual
The Unusual NT is an immediate jump overcall to 2NT, which is an artificial bid showing a two- suiter in either
the minors or the 2 lowest unbid suits (best). When the opponents make this bid, the partner of the Opening Bidder
has the difficult problem of showing his strength since the bidding is now at the 3 level. Making use of "cue-bids"
of the enemy implied suits allows differentiation between the 5-9 point range and the 10 point or higher range.
The basic responses are as follows:
1) Pass shows less than 5 points or a hand, which does not fall into any of the categories below.
2) All raises, including jumps, show 5 to 9 points and are basically preemptive.
3) A bid in a new suit, not promised by the enemy (the "fourth" suit), is not forcing and shows 5 to 9 points and a good 5+ card suit. Jumps in a new suit are preemptive.
4) A cue bid of the lower ranking of two known enemy suits shows 10+ points and either:
a) Support for partner's suit (if lower ranking than the "fourth" suit), or
b) A good 5 cards in the "fourth" suit.
With 12+ points, Responder must ensure that game is reached.
5) A cue bid in the higher ranking of two known enemy suits shows 10 or more points and either:
a) Support for partner's suit (if higher ranking than the "fourth" suit), or
b) 5 cards in the "fourth" suit.With 12+ points, Responder must ensure that game is reached.
6) A jump cue bid of a known enemy suit is a game forcing Splinter raise.
7) 2NT and 3NT show appropriate HCP for the bid and stoppers in the enemy suit(s).
8) Double shows at least 10 points, and suggests defensive strength and the ability to double at least one of the opponents' suits.
9) To show an enemy suit, Pass with a bad hand and double with a good (game forcing) hand. Bid the enemy suit on the next round, if convenient and desirable.
This same principle can be used if the opponents make a Michaels overcall. But note that if there is only one known
enemy suit, only one "cue bid" is available and a bid in a new suit shows 10+ points. This cue bid shows
a limit raise or better in partner's suit.
If partner's suit is a minor, an alternative variation is to play that a cue
bid in either of the opponent's known suits shows 11 HCP or more and a stopper in that suit. This invites partner
to bid NT with a stopper in the other opponent's suit. Note that you must be able to tolerate a rebid by partner
in his suit.
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