
I know something of love,
Every moment I look around, there is something.

Nature loves me and I love her back.
Late nights, early mornings,
Solitude, darkness, crowds and bright.
I love the world, and know I am a part of it.

Someone who knows me well: I hear his voice but can’t see his face.
That alone is enough to know love.
I know someone with a pointy chin and a grin to fit it
Who moves coolly through life, and I love him.
People who keep my mind off the world,
And the world I keep my mind on.
I love the faceless and distant
Without knowing them, I feel they are good
And are to be loved. They do their best.
A girl with deep eyes helps me see that I love all this.

I love an unshared love, and so many familiar to all.

I wish I could see,
I wish others could see
How much we love in the world when we hurt or hate.
Why is there pain when there is so much love?
The world and everything in it are too beautiful to hurt.

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