HER! Record Department HIM!

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Luke Hi! I'm Luke. This is the Record Department, where we kept our important records. Currently we only have records on the people who radically change the Wasteland.

[Aradesh]  Aradesh - He is the head of Shady Sands village.
[Butch]  Butch - He own the Far Go Trading Company at The Hub.
[Cabbot]  Cabbot - An initiate from the Brotherhood of Steel.
[Decker]  Decker - An underground leader at The Hub.
[Gizmo]  Gizmo - Owner of pub at Junktown.
[Harold]  Harold - A mutant at the Hub.
[Harry]  Harry - A rather stupid super mutants.
[Jain]  Jain - A Children Officer at The Hub.
[Killian]  Killian - Mayor of Junktown.
[Laura]  Laura - A Follower of Apocalypse' spy among the Children of the Cathedral.
[Lou]  Lou - A lieutenant of the Super Mutants.
[Loxley]  Loxley - Leader of the Circle of Thief at The Hub.
[Master]  Master - The Master of the Children of the Cathedral.
[Maxson]  Maxson - High Elder of the Brotherhood of Steel.
[Morpheus]  Morpheus - A high officer of the Children of the Cathedral.
[Nicole]  Nicole - Leader of the Follower of Apocalypse.
[Overseer]  Overseer - Leader of the Vault 13.
[Rhombus]  Rhombus - A training officer for the initiates at the Brotherhood.
[Set]  Set - Fearless leader of the ghoul in Necropolis.
[Tandi]  Tandi - Daughter of Aradesh, the head of Shady Sands.
[Vree]  Vree - A librarian at the Brotherhood of Steel.
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