HER! Research Department HIM!
Hints, Tips & Walkthrough

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Jessie Hi! I'm Jessie. Our Research Department objective is to help those who need help in the Wasteland. Our scope of research cover all area. We've completed this section now. Don't look in here if you don't want your game ruined. Mail me if you want your tips included here.

A thanks to those who send me their tips.

Hints & Tips

Hints and Tips



Rescue Tandi from Raiders
Try rescuing Tandi without killing the leader first (the guy with metal armor). You'll get 500 exp for rescuing Tandi and another 400 exp for rescuing the slave.
If you're a male, wear black leather jacket and try to scare the leader into freeing Tandi. Leave camp for 500 exp and return Tandi to Shady Sands for 400 exp. Go back to the camp and kill everyone(400 exp for rescuing slave).
Without starting a fight, go inside from the back door. Picklock Tandi door. The raiders will start shooting at you. After you open Tandi door, leave the camp without killing the leader. You can kill him later after you return Tandi. (Exp is the same as above)


Destroy Radscorpion Nest
Talk to Seth and ask him to take you to the nest. Kill all scorpion and leave. (500 exp)


Rescue Initiate from Hub
Talk to Talus in the training room at the Brotherhood. Go to Oldtown at Hub. Enter the first house with some guys in it. Kill them. Pick lock on the door. Talk to initiate. Make sure he promise to tell the Brotherhood that you save him. Return to BOS, talk to the paladin back and retrieve your prize, Power Armour or anything you like.(1500 exp)


Become Initiate
Tell Cabbot that you want to join the Brotherhood of Steel. He'll tell you to get something from the Glow. Bring a rope there and use it to get down the crater. Search the dead guy with power armor for a holodisk. Bring back to Cabbot and you've just become an initiate. Don't forget to search The Glow for some goodies.


Find the Water Chip
The water chip can be found at Watershed, Necropolis. At Necropolis, go down the sewer to the 3rd part of the Necropolis. That would be the Watershed. The 2nd part is the ghoul HQ. Go to the building with several mutants in it. Get past them. Several way to do it; 1. Sneak past them; 2. Bluff them, tell them you're a ghoul and 3. Blast them to pieces. After the mutants encounter, go down the manhole in a room beside the prisoned ghoul. Use the elevator to the 3rd floor. Kill every glowing ghoul you find. The water chip is at the working computer.


Find the Water Thief
Talk to the guard, ask how is he. He'll tell you about the water thief. Wait in the vault store until midnight. You'll see someone suspicious walking around. After he search the footlocker, talk to him. Convince him to surrender, you'll get more exp points; or you can kill him, you'll get less exp points.


Calm Rebel Factor
Talk to Theresa on Level 2 Vault 13. Try to convince her not to rebel.


Find Children Spy
Don't know about this. I found 3 purple robes on the floor inside one of the room in the library, but I never found out who's one is it.


Help Bust Skulz
Talk to Lars about Skulz and offer to help him bust them. Go to Skum Pitt at night and enter through the side door. Make sure nobody open the bedroom door, you NPC friends tend to open it without your approval. Talk to Neal and witness a murder. Leave and talk to Skulz leader at their hideout. Tell him you want to join them and he'll tell you to steal Neal's urn. Go back to Skum Pitt and wait until morning. Enter through the side door after Neal's asleep. Steal the urn and take it back to the leader. He'll ask if you want to help them kill Neal, tell him you'll join them later. Tell Lars about their plan to kill Neal. Join Lars and after the fight ends, return the urn.


Destroy Mutant Base
The Base is at west of your vault. Go to the Vats, the last floor by using the elevator. There should be a computer room with couple of robe man inside. Use the computer or hack it to destroy the base. Kill every mutants you encounter. Heavy firepower recommended. The should be a man with a key for the atom bomb in the cathedral. On your way out, the force field should be armed by now. Use repair skill on it or blow it away with dynamite. Get away from the base before the time run out or you'll be very dead!


Destroy Mutant Master
The Master can be found on the third level down the cathedral, in the vault. Go down there using whatever means necessary. Laura can open the first locked door for you. Use your skill or the key from Morpheus on the top floor for the second locked door. Your NPC's friend can 'accidentally' open the secret door to the cave for you. Use the computer found on the third level or your skill for the secret door to the Master. 3 ways to finish this quest: 1. Kill the master, using the usual way; 2. Convince the master that he's inferior. Use the holodisk given to you at the B.o.Steel; 3. Arm the nuclear bomb found at level 4. Either way, the bomb will be armed and I'm sure you don't want to be there when it goes off!


Get rid of Gizmo
Go to Killian during the day. Help him kill the assassin and offer to rid of Gizmo. He'll give you a bug and a tape recorder. Plant the bug on Gizmo or use the tape recorder. The tape recorder must be in your hand. Return to Killian for your rewards and offer to help him kill Gizmo. Go to Lars and kill Gizmo.


Help kill Killian
Go to Gizmo and tell him that you can kill Killian for him. Go to Killian and kill him. Take the dog tag and give it to Gizmo for your reward. You can also kill Killian after you help him kill Gizmo.


Help peasant solve dog problem
There's 2 way to complete this mini-quest.
1. Wear a black leather jacket and the dog will follow everywhere. Don't know if it work with woman.
2. Feed the dog with iguana-on-stick
Either way, you'll get a Meatdog. Oh, you can also kill the dog but I don't know what will happen.


Find missing caravan
Talk to Butch of Far Go Trader in the Hub, he'll give you the mission. Talk to Beth and ask her about the Deathclaw. She'll tell you about Harold. Go to Oldtown. Talk to Slappy, then Harold and then talk to Slappy back. Ask Slappy to take you to the Deathclaw cave. Kill the Deathclaw, talk to the dying mutant and take the holodisk. Download the data to your Pipboy and you should know what happen to the missing caravan. Take the disk to Butch and his guard, and claim your reward.


Kill Hightower
Decker in the Hub will give you 2 quest: this and the one below. Go to the left part of the Hub, where the Hightower lives. There's should be the Hightower himself, his wife and couple of his bodyguards. Kill everyone and leave no witnesses. Return to Decker for your rewards. Try to do this quest after you do the 'Steal the necklace' quest.


Kill Jain
After you kill the Hightower, Decker will ask you to kill Jain, a Children of the Cathedral. She can be found at the hospital at Water Merchant part of the town. Kill everyone in the hospital. Make sure you get rid of the flower girl first, or you'll be branded as a child killer. Return to Decker for your reward.


Steal necklace
Go to the Circle of Thief and talk to the leader. Go to the Hightower place at night. Using the bottom road, go inside the Hightower house. Watch the guard pattern carefully. The necklace can be found inside the box in his office. There's a trap, so, disarm it first. Get out of there using the same method. Return to the thief leader for your rewards, an electronic lockpick.


Blackmail Bob
At the Junktown, there's a guy under the hospital. Talk to him when the Doctor's is not in the office and learn about Bob's 'special' ingredients, humans meat. Talk to Bob at Hub and threatened him that you'll going to tell the sheriff. You can easily increase your blackmail money by telling him your expenses has increase.


Help kill Decker
Talk to the Sheriff after you help Decker and tell him that Decker wants you to kill someone. Go help the Sheriff kill Decker.


Add time limit
This one refers to the time limit for the chip, not after the chip. At the Hub, talk to the water merchant. Ask them to send water to your Vault, but you have to pay for it. If your Speech Skill is good enough, you can get it for only 500 caps.


Repair power armor
At the 3rd level of the Brotherhood, there's a guy with a broken power armor by his side. Tell him that you'll help him repair it and he'll tell you that you'll need a systolic motivator. Steal from Rhombus room or beg for it form Michael. Both of them can be found on the first floor. Return to the guy, repair the power armor and it's yours!


Survey Northern Area
Survey the Northern area until you found a place crawling with mutant. That would be the Military Base. Go and talk to High Elders at the Brotherhood after you found the base.


Convince high elders
Talk to High Elders, after you found the Base, until they're convince and send some paladins to help you destroy the Base.


Fix water pump
At Watershed, Necropolis; go down the sewer near the super mutant. There should junk somewhere under there. Use it on the water pump in the building with several mutants in it.


Destroy super mutants
Go to Set at Necropolis and he'll tell you to get rid of the super mutants for him. Go to the Watershed, Necropolis and kill every super mutants you found. Return for your rewards.


Free prisoned ghoul
At Watershed, Necropolis, there should be a prisoned ghoul. Just free it.


Fix hydroponics farm
Talk to Miles and the guy he said has some info. Go to Boneyard part that has Deathclaw. There should be a dead guy somewhere. The stuff that you need to fix the farm is with him. Take it to Miles and he ask you to ask Smitty to fix it. After that, take it back to Miles.


Get rid of Regulators
Talk to the Mayor of Adytum and he'll ask for your help. Talk to the Blade's leader and she'll tell you the truth about the Regulators. Offer her to delivers the holodisk to the Mayor. Give the disk to the Mayor and he'll be dead. Kill all the Regulators. You can also ask help from the Gun Runners after you get rid of the Deathclaw for them.


Get rid of Deathclaw
Talk to the Gun Runners and offer to help them kill the Deathclaw. At the west of Blade gang area, there's a couple of Deathclaw. Kill them and the mother Deathclaw under the warehouse. Search for the stair leading to her. When you're done, return to the Gun Runners for your reward.


Upgrade plasma rifle & power armor
After you finish the hydroponics quest, talk back to Miles and Smitty. They will upgrade weapon and armor but you need plasma rifle and power armor. Find one and let them upgrade it for you. Plasma rifle can be found at various places but power armor can only be found at the Brotherhood of Steel. Smitty will upgrade the plasma rifle to turbo plasma rifle while Miles will upgrade power armor to hardened power armor.


Restore primary power
Go to Level 6 of The Glow and use your repair skill on the generator. That should restore the primary power.


Save Sinthia
At the Hub, rent a room for one night. Sleep until morning. Sinthia will be held as a hostage went you wake up. Save her peacefully or messily. More exp if you save her peacefully.
Method 1: Talk to the raider until he agree to let her go. You'll lose couple of caps but Sinthia will like you.
Method 2: Kill the guy!. You won't lose a caps but Sinthia will hate your guts.
Method 3: Started a fight but let your NPC make the kill. You won't lose your caps & Sinthia won't hate you.


Disarm trap
Can't figure out this yet. Maybe it's a bug.


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