2.00 General Playing Rules

1.00 Match Preliminaries
2.00 General Playing Rules
3.00 Challenge Series
4.00 Tournaments
5.00 Terms
6.00 Official Scoring
Frazier Fairgrounds Map

2.00 General Playing Rules

2.01 Rules will be similiar to the stuffy British version

2.02 The course will be set up however the player feels. The more distractions, roots, trees, concrete, steps, dead bodies, bushes, streams, hills, holes, and crevases the better.

2.03 Each player will be allowed one shot per turn. A player earns a second shot on that turn if he/she
a) makes it completely through a wicket
b) roquets (see Terms) another players ball. There is no limit as to how many times you can roquet another players ball. In order to croquet (see Terms)a players ball, the two balls must end up touching. WE DO NOT play the rule, where if you roquet a players ball, you get to pick up the ball and place it next to the other ball. We feel that takes away strategy from the game.
c) If your ball is touching an opponent, you MUST CROQUET that ball. You cannot continue to "drag" it with you.

2.04 Any act of intentional malice towards a mallet or shrubbery is encouraged and laughter at other players misfortunes is mandatory.
a) If a player, while inflicing malice on a shrub, breaks his mallet, or breaks his ball, that player is screwed. You must finish that game with whatever you got left. (Use the LARGER half or piece of the ball.) You may replace a mallet or ball after that particular GAME, if there is one available.

2.05 If a player, uproots or destroys a wicket while attempting a shot, the play will become dead, all players balls will be returned to their original spot, and the player will lose their next turn.

2.06 All balls will be played where they lie. The only exception is if the ball is rolling into an open sewer or water deeper than a mallets length. The play will become dead, all balls will be returned to their original spots and the player will lose 5 turns. Play is not dead however, if the ball is croqueted by another player.

2.07 If a player swings and misses the ball, three times in a turn, the player will lose that turn. See Terms under "KINGMAN"

2.08 If a player, whether on accident or not, moves any balls on the course, that player is
a) an idiot
b) and will be forced to lose their next turn. The moved balls shall be returned to the point where they were before the jackass stepped on, kicked, or fell into them.