5.00 Glossary of Terms

1.00 Match Preliminaries
2.00 General Playing Rules
3.00 Challenge Series
4.00 Tournaments
5.00 Terms
6.00 Official Scoring
Frazier Fairgrounds Map

5.00 Terms

5.01 Commands: These are words used when you have an obstructed view of the rest of the players.
a) "Go ahead" - this is said rather solemnly when you shoot and miss the wicket, this signifies the next player may attempt his shot.

b) "thru!!" - this is said rather triumphantly when you make it thru the wicket, this signifies that You go again and everyone else must wait

5.02 Actions: The two "action" shots.
a) Roquet: The roquet is making contact with an opponents ball. It earns you another shot. You use the roquet to set up a shot, or to set up a croquet.
b) Croquet: To croquet an opponent, you must be resting in contact against that person's ball. Using your foot, steady your ball in place, and whack it. This will propell you opponent into the street, brook, stream or just really far away. When you are in contact with an opponent, you MUST croquet him. A croquet also earns you another shot.

5.03 Shots: These are the names of various shots taken with the mallet. As you can tell, we are serious sports buffs with a variety names.

a) Golf shot: the golf shot has two names, for righthanders it is the ChiChi (for Senior PGAer ChiChi Rodriguez) and for lefthanders the Mickelson (for PGAer Phil Mickelson)

b) the Rick Barry: this is using the fat part of the mallet, standing behind the ball. (Named after the former NBA who shot his free throws underhanded)

c) the Traci Lords: on your knees, using the mallet as a shuffleboard stick, pushing the ball towards the target. (named after the former porn star who...well you gotta be on your knees so you can guess why)

d) the Minnesota Fats: using the handle of the stick as a pool cue. (named for the former billiards great)

e) the Maravich* :any shot which you go between the legs or around the back (named after the former NBA magician "Pistol Pete")
* can also be called the Jason Williams

f) the Kingman: when a player swings and misses the ball. In a game, three Kingman's equal a NOLAN, which forces you to lose a turn. (named after the former Cub and Met whose home run to strike out ratio is amazing) (I dont think I need to explain the Nolan part)

g) the I'm Gonna Git You Sucka: this is also known in some circles as the Kamikaze. It occurs when you are so far away from winning, you abandon your wickets and go after the leaders, trying to cause as much chaos as possible.

h) the Tony Hawk: this involves the handle of the mallet, both feet and a twist. MUST BE SEEN to be believed!

i) the Oliwa: when you beat the crap out of your ball, mallet, tree, dog, etc., out of frustration, anger, joy or just because. (Named after NHL enforcer Krzytof Oliwa.)