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TSMAP insert

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Insert reads:

One Day I Stopped Breathing made your 7". Christopher Thomsom drew all the pictures except the one on the cover and the insert and he is a very good person as well so give him a break. Matt Conlin didn't draw anything - and neither did Drew Rodney, but they are fine fellows nonetheless, i might even venture to cal them indespensible or indispendable or whatever. Aaron and John deserve to find suitcases stuffed with money and turn them into the cops and as a reward the rich people that lost them give them ponies. Eric wears the sily pants, so talk to him please. Curtis is like the roaring ocean and Jonathan is like the lighthouse and Nils is like a bird but he isn't flying right now because of the storm and Dave is like a storm but not the one at the lighthouse. I heard a woman say once: "that was the bravest, kindest, most true-hearted lawman in all of Texas." She was speaking, of course, about Jason Fields. If you came up to me and said: "Dan, who are two of your favorite folks in the vastness of the great northwest?"-I would look you square in the eyes and say: "Hugh and Skitty Goldsmith mister, and that's no lie." So there. I read a story one time about how there was this horse that was really mean and it was standing in this very narrow street. Nobody could get past it because it would try to kick them so there was quite a crowd as you can probably imagine. Then a wise person was coming down the other street and the crowd said: "Good, the wise person will know what to do." And when the wise person got to the intersectionand looked down the street and saw the mean horse and the crowd they just kept walking and everybody in the crowd went: "Ooh!" In alot of ways I see this recording as a mean horse and in other ways I see it as a wise person, and then again i see it as a petroleum product and then sometimes i see myself as a petroleum product but I never see this recording as a dumb crowd that can't even figure out a mean horse. Anyway we can be reached through the mail at: 5321 7th Ave. NE Seatlle, WA. 98105 love dan
