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The Facts You Never Knew...(and the SDRE basics)

the following facts have been obtained by sleeper by: word of mouth, personal conversations with members of SDRE/the SDRE management, Different SDRE lists, and other similar resources sleeper has collected over the past few years.

Diary era facts...
Lp2 era facts...
how it feels to be something on era facts...
SDRE info sites...

Diary era facts...
*Formed in 1992
*Sunny Day Real Estate was: Jeremy Enigk, William Goldsmith, Dan Hoerner, and Nate Mendel from 1992 until 1995
*Originally had their own label: "One Day I Stopped Breathing"
*On May 10th 1994 their first full length album, "Diary," became available to the public
*"Grendel" was named after a character in Jeremy's favorite book from high school, "Beowulf."
*"Jump the Elvis Candy Bar" means to Jeremy:"Jump the Elvis Candy Bar sounded funny. I did it to show that I didn't need to be serious."
*Janna Williamson tells where the name "Pheurton-Skeurto" came from:"Actually the bird is neither mine nor Greg's, "Pheurton" is a bird that William bought for his girlfriend at the time. I don't think that the song was written for the bird, I think the 'word' was just in heavy rotation at the time both the song and the bird were named."
*"Rodeo Jones"(of later Lp2 album) was originally supposed to be on "Diary," but the band decided to stop at 11 tracks instead.
*The lyrics "December's tragic drive" is Jeremy's reflection on "the depression I feel in December."
*The lyrics in the CD booklet for "Diary" are for the original version of "48," which was never released to the public but can be found on the "In Circles" promo CD.
*They toured extensively throughout 1994
*Never played as a full band in the state of California (Dan Hoerner had something against the state)
*SDRE was also known as: "Thief Steal Me A Peach," "One Day I Stopped Breathing," "Empty Set," and "Chewbacca Kaboom."
*One day Dan and Nate decided:"Everything in this world is bought and sold soon they are going to try and sell our sunny days." The name was born (and stuck).

Lp2 era facts...
*SDRE recorded their second album in March of 1995 (self-intitled or "Lp2")
*There are no promotional items for Lp2.
*Lp2 was Jeremy's first album after his born-again Christianity(he first became a born-again Christian after the 1994 "Diary" tour)
*The fly on Lp2 was originally featured on the back of "Thief, Steal me A Peach"
*"J'Nuh" was named after a sound the guitars make in the song.
*The song "J'Nuh" is about Jeremy's brother, Mark, and his friend cutting up Jeremy's stuffed monkey "Arthur."
*The tracks on Lp2 begin with "Friday" and end with "Rodeo Jones." With the exception of "No 8", all of the tracks on Lp2 go from shortest to longest.
*"No 8" was featured on the "Batman Forever" soundtrack, but was never heard in the movie itself
*Jeremy claims that there are no solid lyrics for Lp2. Not all of the lyrics Jeremy sang in Lp2 were planned. He says: "I just sang what I felt during certain parts."
*The name "Astiolcles," featured in "The Blankets Were The Stairs", is a mythological character that Dan and Jeremy made up.
*Shortly after the band broke up
*Why Lp2 is pink: when the recording was ready to be released, SubPop called Dan about which artwork should be used for the layout. The band was on bad terms and Chris Thomson (who was supposed to do the layout) had not completed any artwork for the album yet, so Dan told SubPop, jokingly, to just make the album pink. Subpop made it pink.

*On November 7, 1995 Will and Nate joined a new band with Dave Grohl, formerly of Nirvana, called Foo Fighters
*Jeremy started a solo career. Put out Return of the Frog Queen
*Dan moved to a farm with his wife and dog
*Sunny Day Real Estate began playing again during the summer of 1997
*SDRE originally planned to record a compilationof their rare/older tracks.
*This comp. had 2 proposed names: "Odds and Ends," and "Odds and Sods."
*To this day the compilation was never created/released. Instead the band decided to release an all new album

How it Feels To Be Something On era facts
*Recorded at Robert Lange studio in Seattle, "How It Feels To Be Something On" was released September 22, 1998.
*Nate wanted to be in both SDRE and Foo Fighters when he heard about the reunion, but the rest of SDRE did not think that was reasonable with two separate touring schedules, etc. And so, Nate went down in Sunny Day history
*The band began playing again with: Jeremy Enigk/Vocals and Guitar, Dan Hoerner/Guitar and Live Vocals, Will Goldsmith/Drums, Jeff Palmer/Bass
*Sunny Day Real Estate proposed to do many speratic mini-tours that are still occuring as we speak (late 1998-early 1999)
*Jeff Palmer was eventually kicked out of the band for missing several practices
*All singing on HIFTBSO is jeremy dubbed and overlapped many times.
*"Bucket of Chicken," formerly known as "The Crow," was supposed to be on the "The Crow 2 - City of Angels" soundtrack.

SDRE info sites
Read a letter Sent to Seth Littlefield by Jeremy Enigk
RE: Christianity
Read the Sunny Day Real Estate Reunion on MTV online
Read the Sunny Day Real Estate thoughts on "emo" on MTV online

more to come....
