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Welcome to the Shadow Realm Message Board. Those that dare venture through this section of the realm you will find stories told of old. It is your chance to read up on your enemies, and get to know your allies. If you have trouble with in the message board then search out one of the staff and we will attempt to help you. As for message board conduct you should refer to the Rules and Regulations list.

Please also note that there are IC boards as well as one OOC board, anything that is not directly IN must be stated on the OOC board otherwise it will be taken down directly. If you are looking to start a story and need people, ect that is the place to do it.

As well as an OOC board there is also a place for poems, songs, words of wisdom, anything, and everything that isn't RP, isn't a complaint, and isn't really anything about anything.

On to the Shadow Board

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