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The time has come to inturduce ourselve’s as the ruler’s of this realm. As always we are not only here to inforce rules and improve the realm, but also here for you incase there is any sort of problems or question’s. Perhaps you just want a place to come and role-play at any and all of this is fine. We welcome you to write a post on the message board intruducing yourself to us and we hope to give you an idea of who we are as well in the content below.

For those of you that know us then we extend our warmest appreciation for venturing to our home. For you new comers, we thank you for coming and wish to personally say welcome. With in these pages you will learn all there is to know about your host. The hardships they may have endured, and the strength they developed with time. These pages are filled with the past and things that happened before they found love or happiness with one another. We ask that you please submit your own storied to either our message board, or our submission page. So we can learn more about you. Through this we hope to give you an idea of both who we were, and who we are now.

At this time there are three main member’s of the staff, Hunter , the shadow lord and ruler of this realm. His lovely wife Georgia a shadow lady of this realm. As well as a member of the Group known as the Metal Guard, Kerol.

Hunter and Georgia currently reside with in their mountain home estate. They have two children Gavin and Cynder. Twins they were born a year ago. You can find them both there most often. If you wish to get on Georgia’s good side compliment her children. Gavin looks more like his father with dark brown hair and light blue eyes; Cynder on the other hand looks more like her mother with soft golden blond hair and bright bluish silver eyes.

And Kerol, a memeber of the group known as Metal Guard. He is an elite fighter that saw the other two staff members, and made it is his life to serve and protect them, as well as his other duties.

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