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One of the items you found in the time capsule was a piece of a newspaper showing the words "Pearl Harbor Bombed."

You need to discover some information about Pearl Harbor and what made it so famous.  Use the following questions as a guide, but do not limit your information to the answers to these questions.

1.  Where is Pearl Harbor?  What date was it bombed?  Which country attacked?  Who was attacked?  During which war did this occur?

2.  What happened as a result of the bombing at Pearl Harbor?

3.  Read the memory of Pearl Harbor by eyewitness Marine Corporal E.C. Nightengal.  How did it feel to be on the USS Arizona right before it sank?  What would you do if you had been there?  Would you have reacted the same way as he did?

Check out these resources for some help:

Another item that you discovered is a small piece of stone/granite that has flecks of green and pink paint on it.  It is in a plastic bag with a label "Berlin Wall" on it.

Now you decide to discover information about the Berlin Wall and what made it famous.  Use the following questions as a guide, but do not limit your information to the answers to these questions.

1.  On what date was the Berlin Wall erected?  When was it torn down?  Where was it located?

2.  What was the Cold War?  How did this wall become a symbol of the Cold War?

3.  Describe what life was like behind the Berlin Walll.

4.  List some of the things that you think people lacked behind the wall.  How would you have felt if you were trapped behind the Berlin Wall?

Check out these resources for some help:

The last item that you discovered was a picture of a spaceship exploding.

Now you decide to discover information about the this space shuttle and what made it famous.  Use the following questions as a guide, but do not limit your information to the answers to these questions.

1.  Find a picture of the crew of this spaceship and paste it into your document.  Now list the names of the astronauts who were on the Challenger.

2.  Read about the only member of the crew who was a "civilian."  What was her job?  What was her motto?

3.  Describe what happened to this space shuttle in the moments right before it exploded.  What happened to the crew?  What happened to the space program as a result?

4.  Read entries in the article "I Remember Challenger".   Describe one moment in your life that was as meaningful to you as the explosion of the Challenger was for children of the 80's, the Berlin Wall was for children of the 60's, and the bombing of Pearl Harbor was for children of the 30's.

Check out these resources for some help:

The Task
Sports Fan