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Curriculum Objectives

Upon Completion of the Blast from the Future Webquest students will be able to:

1. Listen, draw conclusions, and share responses in subject-related group learning activities.
2. Use effective nonverbal communication skills.
3. Make planned oral presentations.
4. Write for a variety of purposes to describe, to inform, to entertain, and to explain.
5. Synthesize a large amount of Internet information.
6. Select the relevant information from an extensive amount of material.
7. Research specific areas to gain topic expertise.
8. Engage in subject-related discussion.
9. Develop a greater sense of cultural understanding.

Correlation to Standards

CL-1 – Execute a program by selecting from a menu of programs
CL -12 – Identify the problem to be solved in a given situation
LA – 3 – Write a plan for a project in any discipline
LA – 6 – Collaborate with others in making editorial decisions
LA – 8 – Use specific vocabulary appropriate to the intent of the writing task
LA –9 – Use the conventions of standard American English, including capitalization, punctuation, spelling, usage and sentence structure
SCI – 1 – Keep accurate records of observations for verification for others.
SCI – 4 – Recognize evidence that change has occurred.
SCI – 6 – Observe and describe continuous or periodic change.
SCI – 7 – Accurately record an observation made by using the sense.
SCI –11 – Draw inferences from a set of observations
SCI – 12- Recognize that people may make different inferences from the same observations.
SCI – 16 Identify conditions which cause or influence change
SCI – 19 – Identify a series of events as a sequence within a given situation.
SCI – 39 – Describe a series of events orally and in writing.
SCI – 59 – Recognize that two people may make different inferences from the same observation and neither be wrong.
SCI – 60 – Identify observations that support an inference.
SCI – 61 – Describe additional observations needed to test alternative inferences.
SCI – 65 – Predict the outcome of an event based upon previously observed conditions.
SCI – 69 – Extract important ideas from reading, listening, or watching a presentation
SCI – 71 – Examine biases and how they can affect/distort data
SCI – 82 – Apply appropriate questions when a problem is stated
SCI – 90 – Demonstrate an open-minded and imaginative approach to problem solving
SCI – 91 – Use a model or drawing to visualize the solution to a problem
SS – 3 – Given a specific topic, evaluate sources of information in terms of reliability
SS – 4 – Draw inferences form historical and contemporary evidence
SS – 5 – Apply a decision-making model to a problem, listing evidence and making a choice
SS – 6 – Cite examples of how technology and technological change have affected production decisions.
SS – 11 – Describe ways inventions have transmitted and spread from one people to another.
TE – 3 – Recognize the evolving, dynamic nature of technology and demonstrate its potential for impacting futures.
TE – 5 – Evaluate the impact of technology on the individual, society and the environment.
TE – 9 – Demonstrate skills for working independently and cooperatively in technological activities.
TE – 10 – Apply critical and creative thinking skills to discover and solve technological problems

Introduction The Task Artist Historian Sports Fan Technician Evaluation Conclusion