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Get Involved!

Here's How There are numerous ways to get involved, both locally and in remoter areas. If you would like Montreal Street Medics to do a training or a seminar on street safety for your affinity group, pack of friends, or any other organisational group, contact us as soon as possible using the phone number on the navigation bar, or the address listed on the "Support MSM" page. We also train Medical Monitors for affinity groups. Here is a list of other ways to get involved and help the cause. Remember: learn all you can, educate as much as you can and fight as hard as you can!

  • Join MSM by coming to our meetings (posted on the calendar, no experience required)
  • Attend Trainings, Teach-ins, Seminars, Workshops, Fundraisers (check the calendar often for updates)
  • Support MSM with Donations (monetary and medical)
  • Raise Awareness in your Community
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(514) 848 - 7585
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