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ASK YOUR COACH, Teresa Foxworthy...

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Oh, yes, there are questions to be answered, so let's get started:

1 What is a Feng Shui Life Coach?

Someone who incorporates the wisdom of feng shui with the strategies of traditional life coaching to help you develop and achieve goals pertaining to health, career success, dating and relationships, creativity and other selected goals. Different coaches have specific areas of expertise. My Life Coaching skills focus on personal fulfillment issues such as Dating, Love, Relationships, Personal Transformation, Space Design, Life Vision, Work-Life Balance, Emotional Development and Spirituality. My Coaching mission is to help you fulfill your highest vision for your life.

2 Do I really need a coach?

Ask yourself: Am I living the life I choose? Do I get my goals met in a timely fashiion? Am I living with passion and presence? Are there areas of my life in which I repeatedly struggle? Am I living the life that I've always wanted? Am I fulfilled in my love life? Do I enjoy peace of mind, good health, close friendships, a happy home life, prosperity, being myself? If you said "no" to any of these questions, you definitely could use the services of a life coach to accelerate the time it takes to reach your goals and enhance your quality of your life. Athletes excel at their game with the guidance of a there any game more meaningful than your life?

3 How long have you been coaching?

I have been been developing personal growth techniques for over twenty years and have specifically been a dating coach for seven years. Read more about this in my Biography. It's my job to help you help yourself, so first I look to see if you are needing coaching, if you are committed to your transformation and success and if you are willing to be coached. With the myriad of methods and systems I have for assisting your personal transformation, you will discover how my long history with personal growth is all here to help you live your dreams.

4 What kind of services do you offer?

Coaching usually begins with a strategic overview to assess desired goals. From there an action plan is created and pursued. Every week, follow-up sessions guage what's working and what needs more attention. As challenges arise or more specific attention is needed in a particular area, as your coach, I am there for your development and success. Coaching is usually on the phone though other arrangements can work. Various topics for coaching and consultations can be viewed on the Coaching Page.

5 How much do you charge?

Everyone receives a free introductory consultation. From there, coaching programs vary... My hourly rate is based on the length of enrollment for an individual or group.

Singular sessions at the Full Rate are $150 per hour.

There are three different, renewable, 3-month plans which offer considerable discounts. All plans begin with FREE 2-hour intensives to get started, and provide substantial DISCOUNTS to workshops, retreats and other events offered by Teresa Foxworthy:

A = The JET SET Plan -- $199 per month

With TWO hours of coaching each month, this plan is great for beginners to get their feet wet, or for those who are hard-pressed for time. Works great on your lunch hour or other convenient time. Quickly, puts you on track! Experience the benefits of having your own personal life coach to achieve the results you want! Athletes know the importance of having their coach, every step of the way.
ENROLL NOW Call 415.289.2213 or email me:

B = The DELUXE Plan -- $349 per month

With FOUR hours of coaching each month, this plan is great for beginners who want to roll up their sleeves and get to work or for those who are interested in more in-depth coaching and consultations. This plan offers more one-on-one time to transform challenges into successes. Be the star you are by uncovering your full potential. Excelerate and sustain your achievements with the expertise and support of a personal coach.
ENROLL NOW Call 415.289.2213 or email me:

C = The INTENSIVE Plan -- $699 per month

With EIGHT hours of coaching each month, this plan propels your journey with amazing results. Perfect for those dealing with substantial challenges such as divorce, healing traumas, changing vocations and such, who need extensive time to examine options, release emotional build-up and implement strategies, this plan gives you the space and time to thoroughly address the issues that will help you build the life you design!
ENROLL NOW Call 415.289.2213 or email me:

Some clients require or desire more months of coaching, others less. Arrangements may be custom-made for individually designed programs with relevant topics that fit their needs. Groups may have discounted rates, with half-day or full day options. Lectures, workshops, classes and retreats all differ and vary with regards to fees. Enroll now and begin your journey to personal integration and fulfillment in loving relationships. Call 415.289.2213 to arrange your program with Teresa.

6 How do I begin?

Call 415.289.2213 or email me: and I will set up your free introductory consultation. Once we decide to work together, we will determine which plan to use. We then set up our first actual coaching appointment and get to work on your goal development and action plan. Your primary focus may be on logistical items, emotional issues, or both. Your sessions are for you and I will co-create with you a plan that leads to your personal fulfillment.

Please feel free to ask any other questions by emailing me:


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