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Teresa Foxworthy's FENG SHUI YOUR HEART

FENG SHUI YOUR HEART[tm] Retreat in Northern California Spa Resort
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Quantum Living, The Dating Coach and Path to the Beloved present...



8pm, Thursday, March 13th,


1pm, Tuesday, March 18th, 2003

Silverado's Luxury Spa Resort
Northern California

Ignite your Heart!

Blending the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui
with a state-of-the-art process of personal transformation,
FENG SHUI YOUR HEART will clear the path to your fulfillment.

Spiritual fulfillment is the pinnacle of existance, some would say. Aligned with the Divine, and everything is sublime. But what keeps us from this enlightened state of being? Indeed, just having a good day can be difficult for many, despite the social masque one might sport for family, friends and colleagues. Usually the culprit thwarting our spiritual development is emotional in nature.

To develop spiritually, we must heal emotions that may be quite old in origin. This is sometimes trickier than we first might imagine. But the benefits and rewards of such emotional healing is not only a good day, a successful life, a happy home or some altruistic gain. Healing our emotional self is often the gateway to tremendous spiritual enlightenment.

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This 5-day, end of Winter retreat is designed to allow each participant to have the opportunity to delve into their hearts and souls and begin healing old wounds. Using the ancient wisdom of feng shui, the modern theories of personal transformation and the facilities of a luxury spa resort, this retreat will gently take each person through a journey of integration and liberation.

Body, mind, heart and soul will discover a harmonic convergence. Yoga classes, meditation, breathing, spa treatments, delicious food, emotional releasing sessions, aromatherapy, dream work, journaling, hydrotherapy, movement studies, solitude, socializing, soul gazing, inquiry, and so much more will facilitate the process for you to FENG SHUI YOUR HEART! Discover how alive you can feel!

Cost $1200 per person (double occupancy).

Space is limited to 20 guests, gender balanced.

Enroll now by emailing

Pack for possible rainy, cool or sunny, mild weather; spa treatments, swimming and hydrotherapy; yoga and movement classes; fine dining and regular, comfortable clothing. Also, bring:

a flashlight,
a personal power object to help you feel "home",
a small photo of ourselves that we love,
a music-making instrument [optional],
a small magnetic compass found at outdoor sporting stores,
a diagram of your home or apartment, noted with compass directions
and a brand new journal that’s never been used.

No tape recorders, cellphones, pagers or cameras, please...come to unwind.

We will journey through body, mind and soul before diving deep into our hearts to unclutter and auspiciously arrange the dwelling of our most precious treasure. The treasure of our hearts is the elixir of Love.



March 13-18th, 2003

Request your registration form by emailing


Teresa Foxworthy, Facilitator

With over 20 years of experience developing personal growth programs, Teresa Foxworthy has worked with Fortune 500 corporations, private groups and a diverse range of individuals. Led by a philosophy of re-humanizing people in a hi-tech world, her work in the public and private sectors receives rave reviews. Ms. Foxworthy has great success working with individuals and groups who are ready for transformation in the direction of personal empowerment and ultimate fulfillment. Her soon-to-be-published books, Quantum Living and 365 Ways to Be A Goddess , are testamonials to the vitality derived from holistic lifestyles.


© 2003 Teresa Foxworthy. All rights reserved.


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