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NMCG presents QUANTUM LIVING Holistic Health Products

NEW MILLENNIUM CONSULTING, INT'L. offers groups and individuals a range of personal growth services: Transformational Life Coaching and Workshops in the areas of Personal Growth and Achievement. Includes Goal Management, Image Consulting and Communication Skills, Dating & Relationships, Holistic Health, as well as Feng Shui. Based in San Diego, CA, please call 760.942.1213 for your free consultation.

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NEW MILLENNIUM CONSULTING GROUP offers individuals and groups a holistic approach to healing and empowered living. We call it QUANTUM LIVING. When you pay attention to the details of healthy living and self-empowerment, the result is vibrant health and personal fulfillment. "Quantum Living" means living at your full potential, on every level.

Health is a MAJOR factor in your life's journey. The healthier we are, the more we can face the challenges in our lives with mental acuity and physical endurance, let alone emotional fortitude and spiritual joy.

The QUANTUM LIVING program includes an assortment of Holistic Health products for your personal care. We select the best products that we have come across to recommend to you for your healing journey and optimum vitality. Combine your Rejuvenating Sessions or Coaching Program with these products and enhance your wellness program. Either way, the results are the same…QUANTUM LIVING!

Body, mind, heart and soul, most of us could benefit from some re-humanizing efforts in this fast-paced world in which we find ourselves. Creating awareness is only the first step. Then we must find a balance as we ultimately work toward deep personal integration to bring about the intended holistic results.

YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL OILS for Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul

Young Living Oils are made with the highest standards and are therapeutic grade for optimum results. Discover how Lavendar Oil soothes restlessness. Orange and Tangerine brighten your mood. Peppermint is reported to be effective for headaches and digestive concerns. The list goes on...


These herbs are not only helping the native Amazon people develop economically, but they offer us deep, natural benefits from the Rain Forest in Brazil. It's like inhaling the botanical nutrients! Stay tuned for more details.


Both Bach and FES Flower Essences receive rave reviews, and not just from me. Millions of people are using these flower essences, which are completely different from essential oils, to assist with emotional distress, such as confusion, depression, anger, etc.

CALL: Teresa @ 7 6 0 . 9 4 2 . 1 2 1 3


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