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NMCG presents QUANTUM LIVING Rejuvenating Sessions

NEW MILLENNIUM CONSULTING, INT'L. offers groups and individuals a range of personal growth services: Transformational Life Coaching and Workshops in the areas of Personal Growth and Achievement. Includes Goal Management, Image Consulting and Communication Skills, Dating & Relationships, Holistic Health, as well as Feng Shui. Based in San Diego, CA, please call 760.942.1213 for your free consultation.

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NEW MILLENNIUM CONSULTING GROUP offers individuals and groups a holistic approach to healing and empowered living. We call it QUANTUM LIVING. When you pay attention to the details of healthy living and self-empowerment, the result is vibrant health and personal fulfillment. "Quantum Living" means living at your full potential, on every level.

QUANTUM LIVING Rejuvenating Sessions are a relaxing approach to your health and healing goals. Using a combination of Life Coaching and Holistic Healing as an innovative approach to wellness, you may want more of one than the other, or you may enjoy mixing them together. Either way, the results are the same…QUANTUM LIVING!

Body, mind, heart and soul, most of us could benefit from some re-humanizing efforts in this fast-paced world in which we find ourselves. Creating awareness is only the first step. Then we must find a balance as we ultimately work toward deep personal integration to bring about the intended holistic results. The ultimate achievement is joyful living!

In the safety of your own home, in our offices, or by phone, QUANTUM LIVING Rejuvenating Sessions...

* clear emotional blocks with Energetic Release Work
* nurture the body with awareness techniques, yoga, and nutrition coaching
* addresses your environment with the wisdom of feng shui
* zeroes in on your life mission for personal empowerment
* emphasizes emotional healing for spiritual growth
* combines holistic modalities like aromatherapy, flower essences, energy work for the body, guided meditation, breathwork, and spiritual coaching

These sessions are designed with a practical and holistic model of what individuals need to reclaim their humanity and vitality. The extra benefit is often an enhanced personal performance that aligns with one's deepest values. By using a combination of ancient and contemporary techniques, these Rejuvenating Sessions will help you:

* find your inner balance amongst the various aspects of your being: body, mind, heart and soul

* foster the personal integration necessary for personal fulfillment, holistic health, and dynamic physical performance

* re-define your priorities in both personal and professional realms of activity

* re-claim the sacred in your life to bring more serenity and aliveness as you move toward your other goals

You can choose regular, once a week sessions for an hour or two, or perhaps, periodic intensive sessions for two or three hours.

CALL: Teresa @ 7 6 0 . 9 4 2 . 1 2 1 3


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