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Gents Honours
Gents Club Honours
Ladies Honours
Ladies Club Honours
Sneddon Trophy
Photo Gallery
Gall Cup

The Bowling Club is situated in the centre of the village of Cambusbarron which is adjacent to the City of Stirling in Scotland, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

The address is:

Cambusbarron Bowling Club, St Ninians Road, Cambusbarron, Stirling, FK7 9NU

Telephone number 01786 471530 - (All correspondence to: The Secretary)


The game played on the Cambusbarron bowling green is known as Lawn Bowls.


The club is a member of the Scottish Bowling Association who are members of the International Bowling Board

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The Brae, Cambusbarron

Cambusbarron is well known for being:

bulletThe site where Robert the Bruce and his army camped before the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314
bulletThe village where Bonnie Prince Charlie's forces stayed before embarking on the Jacobite Rebellion in 1745
bulletThe village where John Grierson came from, the famous pioneer of documentary film making, and founder of the National Film Board of Canada


  Initial Opening of the Green in 1903

Extract from the "Stirling Observer":



0n Saturday afternoon the new bowling green which has been formed at Cambusbarron was opened under auspicious circumstances in presence of a large number of ladies and gentlemen and representatives of all the clubs in the district.

Amongst those present were: Sir Alan Seton Steuart of Touch; Mrs J. W. Drummond, Westerlands; Mr and Mrs J T McLaren, Polmaise; Rev. Mr Oliver, Mr and Mrs Grierson, Schoolhouse; Mrs and Miss Cullens, Miss Aikman, Mrs Moorhouse, County Councillor Young, Causewayhead; Mr and Mrs Ralph Blackett, Mr and Mrs J. F. MacIntosh, Mr. R. Goodall, Mrs Stewart, Mr and Mrs Jas. Jackson, Mr and Mrs Jas. Millar, Mr and Mrs Andrew Millar, Mr and Mrs Wyllie, etc.

The green is situated near the Public School on ground which was generously given by Colonel Murray of Polmaise.

The club has had a most, successful start, and the membership amounts to nearly fifty already. The guests were received by the president (Mr .J .T. McLaren) and the other office-bearers.

At four o' clock the opening ceremony took place, when Mr McLaren presided. He referred to the difficulties encountered in the formation of the green, all the energy which had been, shown by those interested. He hoped the club would prove a benefit to the community providing a much-needed healthy recreation for both old and young.

He then formally introduced Mrs Jas W. Drummond of Westerlands, whose duty it; was to throw the first jack, and declare the green open. He asked Mrs Drummond to accept the gift of a silver jack as a memento of the occasion. (Applause.) Mrs Drummond returned thanks for the gift, and after a few words of congratulation performed her duty amidst loud cheers.

Sir Alan Seton Steuart wished the club every success, and remarks were also made by County councillor Young, Mr J. E. MacIntosh, Stirling, and Mr Blackett, Spittalmyre Club.

Refreshments were provided by Messrs Stevenson of the Golden Lion Hotel, and music was supplied by the Cambusbarron Brass Band.

Six rinks afterwards took part in a match, the sides being President v Vice-President.

An enjoyable game resulted: as follows: -

President.                                     Vice-President.

Mr J. T. McLaren      19                 Mr Grierson               3

Mr J. Corser                7                 Mr T. McGregor       23

Mr J. G. Kinnaird      12                 Mr Arch. Thomson     9

Mr A. Young             12                 Mr R. Grindlay         15

*Mr T. Wylie              4                 Mr J. F. Macintosh    10    

Mr J. Miller               11                 Mr Liddle                 16

Majority for Vice-President, 11 shots.

*Ladies' Rink.

Reproduced by kind permission of Mr. Peter T Paterson from his book "Bygone Days in Cambusbarron" published by Cambusbarron Community Council:

"Cambusbarron Bowling Club opened their new Green on Saturday 5th July 1903.

The Green was opened by Mrs. James Drummond of Westerlands, who was presented with the Silver Jack she had thrown. It was a memorable village occasion, with a large crowd present and the Brass Band playing.

The Ground, formerly called Woodside Park, had been granted at a nominal rent by Colonel Murray (who was unable to be present because of illness: he died the following month).

The turf had been laid at a cost of £300.

The Club’s first President was J. T. McLaren, factor at Polmaise, John Miller was the Secretary, P. Robertson was the Treasurer, R. Grierson the Vice-President.

It’s first Champion was James Penny.

The Skips were: J. Goodwin, R Liddel, J Lennox and Edward Watson. and the annual subscription was 7/6p.

The first Clubhouse was erected in 1907 (previously a shelter had been used) the year after the Club received its first flagpole - a long awaited gift from Murray of Polmaise, who had promised it when the Club had won its first match, which was against Bridge of Allan.

The first Clubhouse opened by James Murray of Polmaise was enlarged in 1962 and more recently in 1978 the Club opened their new Extension, an enterprise carried out entirely by Club Members themselves."

A silver jack is still thrown to open the green the Opening Days, but not the one presented to  Mrs. James Drummond of Westerlands in 1903, because this silver jack is on display in the Smith Art Gallery and Museum in Albert Place, Stirling

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The members at the Golden Jubilee  1903-1953

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The members at the Diamond Jubilee  1903-1963

Champions of Champions  

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In 1990 the club had the unique distinction the Ladies Club Champion, Clem Alexander and the Gents Club Champion, Alex O'Hare both winning the Champion of Champions in the same year

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