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Horton High School's Canadian History 12
Web Page and Student Resource

History 12 [Canadian] Chapter Notes

The following table provides links to notes for the chapters to be discussed in class. Below this table is a bibliography of sources used in compiling these notes. Each of these sources proved invaluable in the compilation of this material, and it is recommended that each be consulted when researching topics relevant to Canadian History.
Topics [click on topics to link]
The Aboriginal Peoples 
The Norse Explorations 
The English Explorations 
The Portuguese Explorations 
The French Explorations 
The Establishment and Workings of New France 
The English Presence in North America 
Anglo-French Conflicts in the New World 
The Conquest of 1759 and its Immediate Aftermath 
The Acadians 
The American Revolution's Impact on British North America and the War of 1812 
The Settlement of the West
The Rebellions of 1837
The Durham Report 
Confederation - 1867 
The Red River Rebellion and Riel 
The Canadian Pacific Railway
Nation Building - Macdonald to Laurier 
World War One 
the Interwar Years 
World War Two 


Conrad, Margaret, Alvin Finkel and Cornelius Jaenen. History of the
            Canadian Peoples: Beginnings to 1867. Toronto, 1993.

_________________________. History of the Canadian Peoples: 1867
            to the Present. Toronto, 1993.

Francis, R. Douglas, Richard Jones and Donald B. Smith. Origins:
            Canadian History to Confederation. Toronto, 1988.

_________________________. Destinies: Canadian History Since
            Confederation. Toronto, 1988.

Granatstein, J.L. et al. Nation: Canada Since Confederation. Toronto, 1990.

Herstein, H.H., L.J. Hughes and R.C. Kirbyson.
         The History of Canada. Scarborough, 1970.

Morton, Desmond. A Short History of Canada. Edmonton, 1983.

_________________________. Working People: An Illustrated History
            of the Canadian Labour Movement. Toronto, 1990.

McNaught, Kenneth. The Pelican History of Canada. Toronto, 1982.

Palmer, Bryan D. Working Class Experience: Rethinking the History
            of Canadian Labour, 1800-1991. Toronto, 1992.