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Horton High School's Canadian History 12
Web Page and Student Resource

Proud Recipient of the Grassroots Program Award!

Welcome to Horton High School's Canadian History 12 Web Page and Student Resource. This page is primarily intended for students enrolled in History 12 [Canadian] at Horton High School in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, however if it can be of use to others, GREAT!  The links found below will navigate viewers throughout the site, and it is hoped you find this resource easy to use and straightforward. If you have any comments, please email me; I'll be certain to return your correspondence as soon as humanly possible! Happy surfing!
Course Evaluation
  • provides a general overview of the course
Course Outline
  • how the course is evaluated
Course Notes
  • chapter notes for students in History 12
Useful Links for History 12
  • some excellent links for research
the Teacher
  • "meet the Teach"
the Horton Journal of Canadian    History
  • view the top papers from Horton's current and past History 12 students in a journal format!
Did you know that....?
  • provides some interesting facts about Canada - could be on the Canadian version of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?"
Map Collection
  • an extensive, exhaustive map collection on Canadian History - this is a link, not the work of this page. An excellent site!

visit this site for excellent Canadian Flag Clip Art! 

Please visit this site - the Hungersite

to help end world hunger!

Any comments or questions? Please email me by clicking on the mailbox

this page was designed by Sean Bennett, Social Studies and English Departments
Horton High School
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, CANADA
B0P 1X0
(c) 2000