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  • Terminal
    Default Passwords- For Routers/Switches/Hubs and others things.

    FTP Bounce- Info on the FTP Bounce Attack

    Unix Bible- List of Unix commands and what they do.

    Phreaking- Good txt on phreaking.

    Hacking and Phreaking- A big document on hacking and phreaking.

    Testing 2 in 1 Box- A phreaking box that was created by Terminal. Picture

    TBN 32- List most of the phreaking boxes and tells how to make them. I suggest you check this out.

    Installing Linux- A text on installing Linux and using it. Written by: Terminal

    Pirating- A text on pirating.

    Termbot IRC Bot- A Bot I wrote for IRC. You can modify it for your use. Written by Terminal. Copyright © Terminal Security. All rights reserved.