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Rumours Pre-2002  ||  Rumours Summer 2002

July 23, 2002

Steel Throne Tainted

In the Broken Blades preview, the Steel Throne was tainted. What does this mean?
Notice Toturi Sezaru's mask hanging on the wall. Does this mean that he will be the
new Emperor or does it mean that he was defeated and his mask is hanging on the
wall as a trophy?

One thing is certain. Whoever captures the throne is one tough hombré . . . can you
imagine how hard it is to sit on a cold steel slab for hours at a time?

July 17, 2002

Repent, For the End of Rokugan is Near!

The former Asahina Temple Archive projects the destruction of Rokugan by the end of the year.
Source material for this prophecy probably comes from promotional material sent to retailers.
See The Shakaar Website: Cardgame Resources for more details.

With all the talk of how Diamond Edition is going to change Rokugan, it somehow makes sense
to "clean the slate" and start over again from the beginning. The whole structure of it's government
and society has stagnated since the start of L5R.

Story wise, Alderac Entertainment Group may feel like they've painted themselves into a corner,
unable to explore new territory because it would contradict with past histories. So a quick and bold
transition to a new social structure could shake up the game and make it more exciting . . . or it
could alienate older players and make them quit the game.

Gold Edition is approximately 20 years after Pearl Edition. With the destruction of Rokugan at
the end of the year (probably by the upcoming war), the current leaders / protagonists will have
to solve new problems and think of new solutions. This change in their world will leaving the
current personalities with new possibilities to grow and adapt. The "Soul of __" game mechanics
was rather awkward because of difficulties identifying with the newer, blander characters.

What would be analogous to the upcoming change in other games or genres? How about Classic
Star Trek vs. The Next Generation? Or WizKids BattleTech changing into MechWarrior?

See Michael Stackpole's views on the change in BattleTech (note: he wrote many of the best
Battletech novels).

More on Daigotsu

Keys to the Kingdom

Or what one humble traveler learned about the current Clan Letters in Imperial Herald 2.4.

The key to the Crab - still looking for it.
The Crane sensei Kozue is a member of this class of non-humans __ __ __ __ __
The Mantis are still playing with Yoritomo's toys which are called __ __ __ __
The Lion is all about the military, an Army Colonel or Naval Captain is also known as a __ __ __ __ __
The Phoenix returns because they know the secrets of reincarnation or __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Ronin are so predictable, they congregate at the busy __ __ __ __ __ Dojo (alliteration).
The Scorpion try to frighten people with tales of their star throwing __ __ __ __ __
Ratling language is sure strange like when they stress the first letter of words such as: Terror, Child, How, Apron
Shadowlands always think about getting even, to take __ __ __ __ __ __ __ on real and imagined slights.
The Unicorn's merchants travel in a __ __ __ __ __ __ __ for protection.

June 22, 2002

Rumours of the Onisu

An old L5R promotional picture has been found which may show all the onisu of the clans. It was briefly seen on Deathseeker but WotC/AEG asked that it be removed because it pre-empted the introduction of Gold edition. Now that the Gold edition storyline is almost over there shouldn't be any objections to it's release. The Dragon clan mailing list had some interesting discussions on the Dragon's onisu, thought to be called "Despair". They think that it's one of the two unlabeled figures on the lower right side of the picture.

* Due to popular request from The Crane Clan Discussion Group,
here's the original picture without the captions.
(changed January 15, 2003)

June 8, 2002

Who is Iuchi Daigotsu? It might be wise to find out who he is prior to GenCon 2002 so that we are more prepared to face him. Just where are those Scorpion when you need them to tell us how to defeat Daigotsu? From random browsing on the web, it appears that he and Iuchi Shahai have a common past in the Maho techniques of the Unicorn. Apparently the Unicorn brought learned Gaijin magic that were similar to Maho due to the use of blood. Source material for this speculation comes from Iuchi Yogensha's site The Unicorn Stables.

April 28, 2002


Hear any good rumours recently? Just because this is a Dragon Clan site doesn't mean that we all meditate like our monks or spout cryptic phrases like the Togashi. No sir, we're Mirumoto which means that we're allowed to act like regular samurai and have a good ole' time.

This includes talking about the latest court gossip, griping about the latest commander (behind his back of course) and going down to the saki bar to unwind. Strange things are going on in the Empire but it's quieter up here in the mountains after the Tamori raised a wall of earth to keep those pesky Phoenix at bay. Just because Aikune got his Wish doen't mean that he has to spoil it for everyone else.

Now our gossip mongers have heard about some tidbits from the other clans ....

The key to the Crab news lies in their favorite weapon.
The Crane have secured their communications with the same name as the makers of the Naishi katana weapon.
The Mantis's favored weapon holds the key to thier communications.
The Phoenix hide their secrets in the open, everyone knows that they know the secret to reincarnation or ____.
Ronin are so predictable, they congregate at the _____ Dojo.
Commerce is the strength of the Unicorn, their merchants travel in a _____ for protection.


Rumours Pre-2002  ||  Rumours Summer 2002  ||  Rumours Fall/Winter 2002


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Legends of the Five Rings CCG is copyright of the Five Rings Publishing Group and Wizards of the Coast.
Artwork is copyright by various artists who illustrated for Alderac Entertainment Group.

Other names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView. Dragon logo by R. Stier.