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The "Wind of Honor" Spoiler

(Information Regarding Junnosuke)

August 17, 2002

Redemption for Junnosuke

Junnosuke's story is told in the "Wind of Honor" by Ree Soesbee. The book is mostly
about Toturi Tsudao but it also prominently features Junnosuke and Rokugani politics.

Wind of Honor isn't widely available yet but some early spoiler information is listed below:

Toturi Tsudao's intent was to stop the Phoenix / Dragon war.

Junnosuke was manipulated into hating Toturi Tsudao, thus he was used as a pawn
in Hantei Naseru's political games.

Hantei (nee Toturi) Naseru fermented antagonism between the Phoenix and Dragon
clans so that he would have a better chance to be Emperor.

In the end, Junnosuke redeemed himself by saving Toturi Tsudao.

Junnosuke is dead.

The book is canon ---> confirmed by Shawn Carman (who works for AEG).

Not having read the book, confirmation of the fine points of the story cannot be done at this time.

Hitomi Hokosaki has rededicated his DragonStrategy site to excellence and victory as
personified by Junnosuke.

Selected Messages From the Dragon Clan Mailing List as it Relates to Junnosuke

(reformatted and edited)


Message: 7
From: Paul "Mirumoto Shiryu"
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 16:45:14 +0200
Subject: [dragon] Junnosuke's dead (was : They did it to us again. I can't take anymore. Seriously.)

>> Me Help Junnosuke? me Hitomi Hokosaki help Junnosuke?
>> If I don't it's only because I he doesn't need it :) I have a foil
>> Junnosuke backing my wind, I defend him every chance I get and
>> occasionally you will see pictures of Junnosuke on dragonstrategy
>> apart from the normal Junnosuke's Lessons.
>> Junnosuke-sama kicks ass...
>> Maybe you were thinking of someone else eh?
>> --
>> Hitomi Hokosaki
>This is an old debate...
>Many things more important, than a berserk ronin, are facing the Dragon

Pointless : Junnosuke is dead. Cf the "Wind of Honor" book. I won't spoil
anything (else) here, but the book is really interesting to read, despite a
few oddities, and recording it being canon Rich pretty much said that it
mostly was (but that he hadn't read the last version, only the pre-press
version). And you know what, despite everything that happened in the book,
with his death, and the way (and the reason why) he died, Junnosuke managed
to actually make me respect him. And considering what I thought of him last
week before I read the book, this is no small feat.

>Kitsuki Jitsuma

Paul "Mirumoto Shiryu"
Yokuni's Yojimbo
Check out Yokuni's Legacy at !!!

Message: 1
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 16:54:49 +0100
From: Hitomi Hokosaki
Subject: Re: [dragon] Junnosuke's dead

>Pointless : Junnosuke is dead.

*shocked face*
Hitomi Hokosaki
I think I've got something in my eye...

Message: 2
From: Michael M.
Subject: RE: [dragon] Junnosuke's dead
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 12:06:15 -0400

>Pointless : Junnosuke is dead.

>shocked face*

If it makes it any better, it was quite the death :)

Message: 3
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 09:50:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Togashi Tenryuu
Subject: Re: [dragon] Junnosuke's dead

--- Hitomi Hokosaki wrote:
> >Pointless : Junnosuke is dead.

I'll believe it when I see it in the ccg... or from
the fiction of Rich and Shawn.  I couldn't stomach how
Junnosuke was portrayed in Wind and Honor and will not
acknowledge it.

Mirumoto Tenryuu
-Soul of Togashi Tenryuu - Samurai - Shaitung Groupie - Echiko's Lap dog
Mirumoto Swordmaster of the Victory of the Living Blade Dojo
Staunch supporter to Kaneka and bring back Junnosuke Club

Message: 8
From: Paul "Mirumoto Shiryu"
Subject: Re: [dragon] Junnosuke's dead
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 21:59:27 +0200

> I'll believe it when I see it in the ccg... or from
> the fiction of Rich and Shawn.  I couldn't stomach how
> Junnosuke was portrayed in Wind and Honor and will not
> acknowledge it.

Straight from Ree, many of the story points she made into the book were
asked by Rich. Straight from Rich, most of the book is canon, he just has to
check the final version because the last one he had in its hand was the
pre-press version. Sorry folks, and especially Baz, but like Michael said,
it was quite the death, and it really made Junnosuke regain most of the
respect he had lost in me.

> =====
> Mirumoto Tenryuu

Paul "Mirumoto Shiryu"
Yokuni's Yojimbo
Check out Yokuni's Legacy at !!!

Message: 10
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 16:07:40 -0400
From: Mirumoto Taikishi
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf

At 07:26 PM 8/14/02 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi all, as a diversion from all the doom and gloom following Gencon I
>thought I'd start up a new thread which hopefully has a more positive aspect
>to it :)
>I've been reading our new clan letter and the ronin one from the last
>herald, and it seems that Sezaru is definitly making a bid for the throne
>and seems to think that the Dragon Clan is the ally he needs to get there.
>So, my question is how do we feel about this? I personally support the Wolf
>and believe we should ally with him, this may upset the other winds and
>damage our relationship with them, but I say who cares? Kaneka is a Lion,
>Tsudao has already shown who she would choose out of us and the Lion

You are gravely mistaken in this matter. The Lady Tsudao did not "choose"
the Lion over the Dragon. The dishonorable Ronin, Junnosuke, forced this
issue by persuing a personal matter in his hunt for Kitsu Dejiko rather
than performing his /duty/ to defend our clan. And entering Lion
territories to engage an particular opponent who is not, nor never was,
directly involved in our struggles against the Lion is far from defending
our clan. He deserved what he got, and an end to him could not have come


>Naseru is, well does anyone know what Naseru is up to? Sezaru is so far the
>only wind which has shown support to us- I say we should side with him. Like
>us he is withdrawn and mysterious and so like us misunderstood by much of
>the Empire, and his help would certianly be welcome in the no doubt upcoming
>fight against the new dark Oracle of Fire.
>Any way this is just my take on it. What do the rest of you think- should we
>accept Sezaru's offer, or go the way of the Scorpion and show no wind
>greater favour? Or do believe another of the winds would serve us better?

Mirumoto Taikishi
Dragon Clan Duelist * Toturi's Army Samurai * Wolf Legion
Bounty Hunter #486


Message: 11
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 21:35:39 +0100
From: Hitomi Hokosaki
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf

>  >Tsudao has already shown who she would choose out of us and the Lion
>You are gravely mistaken in this matter. The Lady Tsudao did not "choose"
>the Lion over the Dragon. The dishonorable Ronin, Junnosuke, forced this
>issue by persuing a personal matter in his hunt for Kitsu Dejiko rather
>than performing his /duty/ to defend our clan.

You mean when Tsudao Challenged Mirumoto Junnosuke-sama to a duel
when he refused to help the Lion who were a few weeks before
butchering the members of the Tonbo and who he had been ordered by
Mirumoto Uso-sama, his daimyo, to intercept before they could attack
the starving dragon peasants as their feenix allies had been doing?

>And entering Lion
>territories to engage an particular opponent who is not, nor never was,
>directly involved in our struggles against the Lion is far from defending
>our clan. He deserved what he got, and an end to him could not have come

Don't try me on this one today of all days, it has all been hashed
out in extensive detail in the archives and I consider Slander of
Junnosuke-sama's name while his supporters are just beginning to
mourn his loss a _personal_ affront and insult. Even Shiryu-san who
long condemned Junnosuke-sama has had the honour and decency to say
nothing but good about him and to offer his condolences for which I
thank you Paul.

Hitomi Hokosaki

Message: 12
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 15:54:24 -0600
From: Kitsuki Kyomitsu
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf

Let's drop this thread before it gets out of hand.  I didn't respond to
Taikishi-san's "opinion's" knowing that Hokosaki probably would.  I
figured he would be much less scathing than I, as he has far more self

Thanks for your continued words of support Hokosaki-san.  I look forward
to seeing a memorium to Junnosuke-sama on Dragonstrategy.

Kitsuki Kyomitsu
"One man's terrorist is another man's hero."
- Lt. Colonel Cheney, 51st FIS, Commanding, USAF

Message: 13
From: Hitomi Ryoku
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 22:08:49 +0100

----- Original Message -----
From: Donald Hanauer, II <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf

> At 07:26 PM 8/14/02 +0100, you wrote:
> >Hi all, as a diversion from all the doom and gloom following Gencon I
> >thought I'd start up a new thread which hopefully has a more positive
> >to it :)
> >
> >I've been reading our new clan letter and the ronin one from the last
> >herald, and it seems that Sezaru is definitly making a bid for the throne
> >and seems to think that the Dragon Clan is the ally he needs to get there.
> >So, my question is how do we feel about this? I personally support the Wolf
> >and believe we should ally with him, this may upset the other winds and
> >damage our relationship with them, but I say who cares? Kaneka is a Lion,
> >Tsudao has already shown who she would choose out of us and the Lion
> You are gravely mistaken in this matter. The Lady Tsudao did not "choose"
> the Lion over the Dragon. The dishonorable Ronin, Junnosuke, forced this
> issue by persuing a personal matter in his hunt for Kitsu Dejiko rather
> than performing his /duty/ to defend our clan. And entering Lion
> territories to engage an particular opponent who is not, nor never was,
> directly involved in our struggles against the Lion is far from defending
> our clan. He deserved what he got, and an end to him could not have come
> sooner.

Ok, I really don't want to get into this discussion again, but the fact was
that when the Lion (who at that time were at war with the Dragon) were
attacked by the Tsuno, rather than having to call back Samurai from the
front line, had their friend Tsudao turn up with the Imperial Legions.

Hitomi Ryoku

Message: 5
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 18:43:41 -0400
From: Mirumoto Taikishi
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf

At 09:35 PM 8/14/02 +0100, you wrote:
>>  >Tsudao has already shown who she would choose out of us and the Lion
>>You are gravely mistaken in this matter. The Lady Tsudao did not "choose"
>>the Lion over the Dragon. The dishonorable Ronin, Junnosuke, forced this
>>issue by persuing a personal matter in his hunt for Kitsu Dejiko rather
>>than performing his /duty/ to defend our clan.
>You mean when Tsudao Challenged Mirumoto Junnosuke-sama to a duel
>when he refused to help the Lion who were a few weeks before
>butchering the members of the Tonbo and who he had been ordered by
>Mirumoto Uso-sama, his daimyo, to intercept before they could attack
>the starving dragon peasants as their feenix allies had been doing?

The same Junnosuke who had his name taken from him by my family Daimyo,
Mirumoto Uso-sama. A ronin who, from the first story I read about him from
his battle at the Ki-Rin's Shrine, I felt was nothing more than an
honorless dog. The same honorless dog who attempted to attack the Imperial
Legion, an act of treason, because it harbored one Kitsu Dejiko. And those
orders, I am certain, never gave the Ronin permission to intercept Lion who
were defending themselves from the Tsuno in Lion lands.

>>And entering Lion
>>territories to engage an particular opponent who is not, nor never was,
>>directly involved in our struggles against the Lion is far from defending
>>our clan. He deserved what he got, and an end to him could not have come
>Don't try me on this one today of all days, it has all been hashed
>out in extensive detail in the archives and I consider Slander of
>Junnosuke-sama's name while his supporters are just beginning to
>mourn his loss a _personal_ affront and insult. Even Shiryu-san who
>long condemned Junnosuke-sama has had the honour and decency to say
>nothing but good about him and to offer his condolences for which I
>thank you Paul.

I am sorry for your loss, Hokosaki-san, but I merely responded to an
erronious response about the standing of the daughter of our late Emperor,
Toturi - a man who proved his honor time and again, even despite his former
status as a waveman. While I do feel my brothers in the clan who feel as
though they have lost a hero, I will not mourn a ronin who did nothing to
prove that, despite his status, he was an honorable man.

Mirumoto Taikishi
Dragon Clan Duelist * Toturi's Army Samurai * Wolf Legion
Bounty Hunter #486

Message: 9
From: "Kitsuki Mitsu"
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 01:58:37 +0200

> Don't try me on this one today of all days, it has all been hashed
> out in extensive detail in the archives and I consider Slander of
> Junnosuke-sama's name while his supporters are just beginning to
> mourn his loss a _personal_ affront and insult. Even Shiryu-san who
> long condemned Junnosuke-sama has had the honour and decency to say
> nothing but good about him and to offer his condolences for which I
> thank you Paul.

I would like to point out some things. First, Paul on the French Mailing
List has always said that Junnosuke was all but a Dragon! Second, I don't
read what Paul has, but if he has changed his mind, it's undoubtedly because
Junnosuke did something special to redeem himself and washed the shame he
put on the clan.
Paul wouldn't have such feelings because of his death. So don't be confused,
the Junnosuke Paul knows is not the Junnosuke u praise.

Kitsuki Mitsu

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 02:03:29 +0100
From: Hitomi Hokosaki
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf

As I said, Samurai, I consider these continued attacks upon
Junnosuke-sama during this time of mourning to be a personal affront
and an insult. Your continued defiance of my request demonstrates
your own honour and suitability to judge the actions of

>The same Junnosuke who had his name taken from him by my family Daimyo,
>Mirumoto Uso-sama. A ronin who, from the first story I read about him from
>his battle at the Ki-Rin's Shrine, I felt was nothing more than an
>honorless dog. The same honorless dog who attempted to attack the Imperial
>Legion, an act of treason, because it harbored one Kitsu Dejiko. And those
>orders, I am certain, never gave the Ronin permission to intercept Lion who
>were defending themselves from the Tsuno in Lion lands.
>I am sorry for your loss, Hokosaki-san, but I merely responded to an
>erronious response about the standing of the daughter of our late Emperor,
>Toturi - a man who proved his honor time and again, even despite his former
>status as a waveman. While I do feel my brothers in the clan who feel as
>though they have lost a hero, I will not mourn a ronin who did nothing to
>prove that, despite his status, he was an honorable man.
>Mirumoto Taikishi
>Dragon Clan Duelist * Toturi's Army Samurai * Wolf Legion
>Bounty Hunter #486


Hitomi Hokosaki

Message: 2
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 02:07:49 +0100
From: Hitomi Hokosaki
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf

>Second, I don't read what Paul has

Then you should, it makes things far clearer.

Hitomi Hokosaki

Message: 3
From: "Kitsuki Mitsu"
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 03:19:52 +0200

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hitomi Hokosaki" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 3:07 AM
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf

> >Second, I don't read what Paul has
> Then you should, it makes things far clearer.

As Paul said it was a "pre-press version", so i guess u didn't read it as well.
Whatever u did -read or not- i'm not sure u understand what i meant.

Sure my english is poor! But  i will improve it!

Kitsuki Mitsu

Message: 4
From: Paul "Mirumoto Shiryu"
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 04:32:53 +0200


Basically, if you haven't read "Wind of Honor" and don't want me to spoil
your fun, please stop reading *NOW* until you have read the book. This is a
reply to one of Mirumoto Taikishi's posts.




> I am sorry for your loss, Hokosaki-san, but I merely responded to an
> erronious response about the standing of the daughter of our late Emperor,
> Toturi - a man who proved his honor time and again, even despite his
> status as a waveman. While I do feel my brothers in the clan who feel as
> though they have lost a hero, I will not mourn a ronin who did nothing to
> prove that, despite his status, he was an honorable man.

He did prove that in his death, though. He gave his life so that Lady Tsudao
could live. Though he did a lot of bad things (and even *worse* things in
the book), in the end, in his soul the soul of a samurai was finally born,
and I think in his last moments, despite having lost his family name, he
proved that he finally understood what it meant to be a Dragon.

Honor above all !

> Mirumoto Taikishi

Paul "Mirumoto Shiryu"
Yokuni's Yojimbo
Check out Yokuni's Legacy at !!!

Message: 5
From: Paul "Mirumoto Shiryu"
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 04:39:15 +0200

> I would like to point out some things. First, Paul on the French Mailing
> List has always said that Junnosuke was all but a Dragon!


> Second, I don't
> read what Paul has, but if he has changed his mind, it's undoubtedly because
> Junnosuke did something special to redeem himself and washed the shame he
> put on the clan.

Again, correct.

> Paul wouldn't have such feelings because of his death. So don't be confused,
> the Junnosuke Paul knows is not the Junnosuke u praise.

While I don't like much when people assume what I think and put words in my
mouth in my own stead, yes, again this is mostly correct (though to be
totally honest with you while in-character, me-as-Shiryu despised Junnosuke,
as I've always said, the player fanboy in me always loved the fictions Shawn
wrote about him ^_^). But I'm sure that my friend Hokosaki-san will now do
his best to catch up on that book as soon as he is able, right Baz ^_^ ?

> Kitsuki Mitsu

Paul "Mirumoto Shiryu"
Yokuni's Yojimbo
Check out Yokuni's Legacy at !!!

Message: 6
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 19:48:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: David "Hitomi Shujyo"
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf

You know, reading these messages I become really saddened at the death of
Junnosuke. The current story team have written many things that I have enjoyed
but I always felt that Junnosuke has been one of their largest failures. I'll
try to explain why.

When Junnosuke first came out there was exitement in the air about him. The hope
that he would develop in a cool character with a great card attached to him
(cough, cough). Then came the first fiction about him after Ki-Rin's and things
got really interesting. I always found Junnosuke and the discussions around him
very interesting. Was he honorable? Was he dishonorable? Were his actions
deplorable or note-worthy examples of strategy? Who can truly say. We only got a
small look at his career and some praise from Uso-sama to judge on yet people
still took to him. Something different than the usual talks of corruption vs.
clean. Junnosuke did questionable things but always managed to stay within the
limts of honor. He brought up the question is it ok to do bad things as long as
you stay within the limits of duty without adding possible taint to it making
this harder.

Then when the debate was getting really interesting.... he got made a ronin. The
matter was solved before it's time. It came so suddenly and I still don't
understand it completely. To this day I am still waiting to hear exactly what
Paneki told Uso (like he was acting in the best interest of the Dragon at heart,
yeah right). Then we got a Experienced version in Dark Allies and questions came
up again. Who was the person Junnosuke was going to? If it was Kaneka, would
Kaneka sacrifice Dejiko, a fellow Lion, to Junnosuke? How would Junnosuke treat
his former clan? Once again, interesting questions.

Then he dies. Wether you like love him or hate him you have to admit that few
characters of the new generation have captured the attention of this list like
Junnosuke in the year he has existed. However I have to ask myself, what was the
point? They build a character which has everyone talking only to kill him off
out of the CCG in a year. There should have been more to him than just a tool to
build up Tsudao.

My condolances to the Junnosuke fans out there.

- Hitomi Shujyo

P.S. Oh, yeah, going back to the original purpose of the first email in this
series. I have always supported and will continue to support Naseru-sama. I
firmly believe he is the best for the job. Besides, we can then get back to
having a Hantei emperor, I miss having a Hantei emperor. :)

Also I don't think Tsudao was choosing the Lion over us. I believe that she just
has a narrow vision. She focused on the Tsuno and just could not see all the
death around her in the Dragonfly, Dragon, Phoenix, Crab, Crane lands. Most
definately a wakness of hers but nothing specifically against us.

Message: 7
From: Paul "Mirumoto Shiryu"
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 05:10:44 +0200

Answer to one of David Hitomi Shujyo's posts. Again, some mild Wind of Honor
spoilers out there.




>Who was the person Junnosuke was going to? If it was Kaneka, would Kaneka
sacrifice Dejiko, a fellow Lion, to Junnosuke? How would Junnosuke treat his
former clan? Once again, interesting questions.

Well, it looks that it wasn't Kaneka after all...

> Then he dies. Wether you like love him or hate him you have to admit that
few characters of the new generation have captured the attention of this
list like Junnosuke in the year he has existed. However I have to ask
myself, what was the point? They build a character which has everyone
talking only to kill him off out of the CCG in a year. There should have
been more to him than just a tool to build up Tsudao.

Well, though Wind of Honor is definately a book about Tsudao, Junnosuke is
definately the number 2 character covered in this book. There is an in-depth
look at him, the reason why he behaved such, and how he (finally) reddemed
himself in the end.

> My condolances to the Junnosuke fans out there.
> - Hitomi Shujyo
> P.S. Oh, yeah, going back to the original purpose of the first email in
this series. I have always supported and will continue to support
Naseru-sama. I firmly believe he is the best for the job. Besides, we can
then get back to having a Hantei emperor, I miss having a Hantei emperor. :)

Well, you could also suport Daigotsu's claim. He is Hantei, after all ^_^.
Just kidding. Taint bad ^_^.

> Also I don't think Tsudao was choosing the Lion over us. I believe that
she just has a narrow vision. She focused on the Tsuno and just could not
see all the death around her in the Dragonfly, Dragon, Phoenix, Crab, Crane
lands. Most definately a wakness of hers but nothing specifically against

Well, again, the Wind of Honor book explains a lot of things about her, and
further explains what I had proponed earlier and that many refuted : mainly,
that her only desire at first was to stop the Dragon/Phoenix war and stop
the killings. Then basically Junnosuke, manipulated by the Anvil, made sure
that she appeared as a vilain in the Dragon's eyes, and made sure that the
conflict was too deep to be resolved by peace. The Phoenix/Dragon war was
fueled by the Anvil who wanted chaos between the clans to more easily
forther his plans towards the throne.

Paul "Mirumoto Shiryu"
Yokuni's Yojimbo
Check out Yokuni's Legacy at !!!

Message: 8
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 23:10:43 -0400
From: Mirumoto Taikishi
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf

At 04:32 AM 8/15/02 +0200, you wrote:

Until I hear word from someone at AEG as to what is and is not canon in
this novel, I keep by my statements. We've already had one novel become
non-canon in parts because of inconsistencies. For all we know, story team
may wish to keep Junnosuke alive. *shrug*

>Basically, if you haven't read "Wind of Honor" and don't want me to spoil
>your fun, please stop reading *NOW* until you have read the book. This is a
>reply to one of Mirumoto Taikishi's posts.
>> I am sorry for your loss, Hokosaki-san, but I merely responded to an
>> erronious response about the standing of the daughter of our late Emperor,
>> Toturi - a man who proved his honor time and again, even despite his
>> status as a waveman. While I do feel my brothers in the clan who feel as
>> though they have lost a hero, I will not mourn a ronin who did nothing to
>> prove that, despite his status, he was an honorable man.
>He did prove that in his death, though. He gave his life so that Lady Tsudao
>could live. Though he did a lot of bad things (and even *worse* things in
>the book), in the end, in his soul the soul of a samurai was finally born,
>and I think in his last moments, despite having lost his family name, he
>proved that he finally understood what it meant to be a Dragon.
>Honor above all !
>> Mirumoto Taikishi
>Paul "Mirumoto Shiryu"
>Yokuni's Yojimbo
>Check out Yokuni's Legacy at !!!

Mirumoto Taikishi
Dragon Clan Duelist * Toturi's Army Samurai * Wolf Legion
Bounty Hunter #486

Message: 10
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 21:34:55 -0700 (PDT)
From:  Hitomi Shuyjo
Subject: Re: [dragon] The Dragon and the Wolf

Paul Jacoby wrote:




Well, it looks that it wasn't Kaneka after all...

Oooooh.... :P

Well, though Wind of Honor is definately a book about Tsudao, Junnosuke is
definately the number 2 character covered in this book. There is an in-depth
look at him, the reason why he behaved such, and how he (finally) reddemed
himself in the end.

Too late though. It would have worked better to have some suspence before going
through this.

Well, you could also suport Daigotsu's claim. He is Hantei, after all ^_^.
Just kidding. Taint bad ^_^.

Well a true Hantei picked Naseru as the next Hantei so I use that techinicality
to get out of the argument. :P

Well, again, the Wind of Honor book explains a lot of things about her, and
further explains what I had proponed earlier and that many refuted : mainly,
that her only desire at first was to stop the Dragon/Phoenix war and stop
the killings. Then basically Junnosuke, manipulated by the Anvil, made sure
that she appeared as a vilain in the Dragon's eyes, and made sure that the
conflict was too deep to be resolved by peace. The Phoenix/Dragon war was
fueled by the Anvil who wanted chaos between the clans to more easily
forther his plans towards the throne.

Ah, I see that the Anvil has taken lessons from the Otomo as well. My guess
would be that he is doing it to keep things unstable so that one clan cannot
grab the throne while the position is in doubt. If thats the case then the Otomo
are probably helping him out.

- Hitomi Shuyjo

Message: 1
From: "Shawn Carman"
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 00:44:08 -0400
Subject: [dragon] Re: Junnosuke

Paul [Mirumoto Shiryu] writes:
> (though to be totally honest with you while in-character,
> me-as-Shiryu despised Junnosuke, as I've always said, the
> player fanboy in me always loved the fictions Shawn wrote
> about him ^_^).

Thanks, Paul!  Junnosuke was a blast to write.  He really sort of wrote
himself.  I was just there to make note of it.

Donald [Mirumoto Taikishi] writes:
> Until I hear word from someone at AEG as to what is
> and is not canon in this novel, I keep by my statements.
> We've already had one novel become non-canon in
> parts because of inconsistencies. For all we know,
> story team may wish to keep Junnosuke alive. *shrug*

Would I -like- to keep Junnosuke alive?  Of course!  Is he still alive?
Sadly, no.

Ree worked with Rich to make sure she wouldn't invalidate anything that we
were doing in the story for the CCG.  While there may be some small
inconsistencies that we have to gloss over or ignore in the book (and I
don't know, I haven't read it yet), the overreaching plot is pretty much
canon.  Junnosuke, formerly of the Mirumoto, is dead.

And I, for one, miss him.

Shawn Carman
L5R Story Team


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Legends of the Five Rings CCG is copyright of the Five Rings Publishing Group and Wizards of the Coast.
Artwork is copyright by various artists who illustrated for Alderac Entertainment Group.

Other names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView. Dragon logo by R. Stier.