If you killed your man during the charge, good for you. Either way, there are plenty of eager Spartans in the rear rank that will step up to engage you in combat. Trouble is, without the momentum of the charge you must poke and jab at eachother with your spears, or if that is broken, you must hack at him with your sword, or if that is bent, you must kick, scratch and claw him to death with your hands, feet and teeth! Now you know why dad told you to take up some wrestling and boxing at the Gymnasium instead of lounging in the philosophers class!

You must survive 5 Close Combats! It doesn't matter the number of men you kill. It only matters that you stay alive through those 5 close combats. At the end of the 5 bouts of fighting, you will check the Status of the Battle to determine which side has won. Phalanx battle is won by one Phalanx driving a wedge into the other and Cracking its formation open. Then it will disintergrate as men run away from battle or die fighting multiple attackers. As long as the formation is solid you will not face multiple attackers only the guy directly to your front.

As in the charge you will attack at the HEAD or the GROIN of the guy in front of you with whatever weapon you are using. As in the charge you will roll for your attack first then roll for the other fella's actions. Even if you killed him, all actions are simultaneous, so it is possible you each can strike a killing blow and kill eachother at the same time! After checking all results you will come back to this page and start another round of close combat with the same opponant or the guy who steps up to take his place. When 5 rounds are done, go to the bottom of the page and check the Status of the Battle.

You will attack with your Spear as long as it is not broken. If it is you will attack with your sword. (+1 if you attack with a Kopis) If your sword is bent, you will be force to attack with punches and kicks to wrestle the man to the ground and kick his brains out.

Attack HEAD.

Attack GROIN