Well look at you! Bloody and bruised, but you are alive! Wether your Phalanx won or not, is not really the true point of this game. If they won, you will share in the glory and the booty that is captured. If you did a fighting witdrawel, you still have your wealth and arms and armour. If you ran, hell, you have your Life! and that is Victory!!!

Go home! You may feel like crap, like this chap in the picture, after a hard days work at the office, but nothing a little wine, women and song can't cure! Celebrate that you are alive!


Hope you enjoyed this game. Play again if you like. Send me an email and let me know what you think. It takes up alot of my free webspace, so if it stinks, I'll want to delete it and move on to something else. Thanks for playing.


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