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EverydayAngel has been a member since November 16th. 2000
# Asked: 110 -- # Answered: 1008
Average: 0.75 -- Average: 4.48
Rank: 88 -- Rank: 94

This is my 100th question!! WHOO HOO!! So ask me anything.

EverydayAngel - Shelby

lizard: your 100?

lizard, I'm not's my 100th QUESTION, silly.

Tiarra: What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

Thanks Tiarra. I'm not sure if you mean here on KP or outside KP. So my hopes and dreams for KP is that I get to know everyone a lot better and maybe one day meet some of you in person. As for outside of KP, I have been saving up $$ so I can take a few years off from working and travel all over the world. I have a huge plan, but I will spare everyone the details. I will come back home after I see everything I want.

boogada: how old are you? ...what five adjectives best describe you?

I'm 26 years old. But I still get carded for rates R movies because I look so young (which is a blessing).

Weird (believe me, I do weird stuff)

I think if you were to ask my friends, they would all agree with those.

inwaryzero: Are you single???

Yes, I am.

psykomom:  What are some of your favorite movies?

Well I don't have much of a collection of movies and I don't go to the movies that often so my list is small.
But here it is:

Tank Girl
Playing By Heart
Ride With The Devil
Night Of The Living Dead (B&W one)
My Best Friends Wedding
What's Eating Gilbert Grape

roadster: Have you been able to utilize any of the knowledge you gained from your questions?

Actually, yes I have. Besides the computer and internet questions I have asked, there are a few questions about how I should handle a situation that I got wonderful answers to. They helped my out a lot. Really most of my questions were trying to get people to be creative. I like to make people think outside the box.

bigbrother: What is the inspiration behind your KP name?

Jewel has this song called "Sensitive" and it's a wonderful song about her asking people to try and be sensitive to other people's feelings. In this song she says "we are all everyday angels". She has some amazing songs that talk about being good to each other because we are all humans and are in it together.

nigel383: what's the meaning of your name Shelby and how did you get the name?

Well I was suppose to be called something like Dawn or Kathy...but when I was born, my mom just knew that my name should be Shelby and that's what she called me. She doesn't even know where she heard it. She says she took one look at me and knew I was special and the name came to her. It's been a good name. Before Steal Magnolias, everyone always said it was a guys name. But I'm female and have it so people use to look at me funny when I told them my name. Now it's cool.

LoneRanger: Do you believe people have a soul?

I do believe and have always believed that people do. I'm not sure why I believed that when no one ever taught me about it when I was little. I think I believe in it only because I refuse to believe that we go through life and then we die and that's it. We don't go on to do anything else. That's a scary thought for me.

pmace: What's your all-time favorite book?

Really it's "Enders Game"

It's a Sci-Fi book. I don't know the authors name...I think the last name is Card. Any ways, I got the book from a friend after it had been passed around a lot and the cover and first few pages are missing so I don't know the name. I read a lot and I have MANY favs...that is just the one that I have read like 6 times and I haven't gotten sick of it. (But the next fav would be Stephen Kings "The Gunslinger")

havaclue: How much time do you average a week on KP?

Really I generally only spend time here on the weekdays while I'm at work. But because of the rain, I am here this weekend. I log on when I get to work and then when ever I'm bored or on hold or something, I check out KP. So if I had to guess on the actual time I spend doing things on KP...I'd say about 10 hours a week. But I'm logged on for more time than that, just not doing anything.

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