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Meadow - Katherine
Her name cannot be spoken,
Her face was not forgotten,
Her power is to open,
Her promise can never be broken.

She changes everything She touches, and
Everything She touches, changes.
Change us, Touch us. Touch us, change us.
Change is, Touch is. Touch is, change is.

Everything lost is found again,
In a new form, In a new way,
Everything hurt is healed again,
In a new life, in a new day.
**Starhawk, The Spiral Dance.
(This is a popular invocation to the Goddess and one of my favorites!)


Missy25 - Melissa
I work as a Computer Technician Assistant and have a degree in Microcomputer Applications. I enjoy helping people and sharing my opinions on different subjects.  I am originally from Alabama, but now live in South Carolina. I am a mother of two (Samantha is 9, and Cody is 7).


auburn23 - Maggie
aka - maggie23
38 year old mom of four loves auburn, baseball, football and potatos. fav color is green and favorite time of year is summer. headed back to school in the fall to complete degree (someday i hope) lives in the southeast but wishes she lived in the south ( wanna guess where? lol) loves life and hopes to accomplish something with the life she has been given,,,, someday!


with Peter Kovacs


(Dream's Mom)
I am an alien


Potato Head fanatic, Prefers newspapers and magazines over books. Short attention span
Identity crisis, Long suffering Orioles fan.


bigbrother - Tim
I am a 31 year old male residing in Central Illinois and have been married for 10 years; we have a son together.  I have my B.S. from Western Illinois University in Geography with a minor in Geology, and have completed all my course work necessary for my masters degree.  I am the Chairman of Deacons and the Sunday School Director at a local Southern Baptist Church. I try to look at life's issues from a biblical perspective, and fully plan on keeping my posts on KP of a like manner; tiny little thing known as integrity.

My hobbies include playing the acoustic guitar, shooting, fishing, camping, watching trains, and simply vegitating in my "thinkng" chair with a/the good book.  I am also an amature radio operator and enjoy making new friends on the air, assisting in local emergency drills, weather spotting on local weather nets, co-ordinating emergency communications, and making contacts with other amature operators all around the world.


Junior in dental school. Father of two daughters.
Serving in the Navy to pay for my overpriced dental education.


I'm older than dirt! Ornier than a she bear with errant cubs! Live alone and love it! I drive the freeways in a silver Taurus! YeeHaw, every day is a special day!


I am a 19 year old divorced mother of 1 1/2 children. work for a food distribution company as an employee/customer relations representative. I also am in charge of sales techniques and distribution for my designated area. Its a pretty demanding job, but I thrive on it. In my spare time I can be found at the local dive with my band, Hanging Dead. We play there every Saturday night, have dedicated fans, and its a paying gig. Can't beat that. I am a writer and painter by nature's design. They are both release activities for me and I can never do either while in a good mood. I am not exactly smart, but I am not stupid either. Sometimes I am just a little slow. lol  I am an open bisexual as well as an open athiest (christian in denial). I would like to think I have an open mind, but in all honesty I stick very firmly to my beliefs and once I make a decision about something it is very hard to change my mind.  My favorite words of advice are... Always be the best you can be or the worst. In the end, the only one who really cares is you.


Former librarian; current trivia maven, grammar fiend, and TV producer.


mia2kl - Mary
 (benmax's Mom)
"Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer
and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you've got about a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies...'God damn it, you've got to be kind' " ...Kurt Vonnegut...
("God Bless You Mr. Rosewater")


norris - Becki...with an "i"
This is my twin sister and me, circa 1997.
I recently graduated from the University of Arizona. In the fall, I will begin attending MIT to get my Ph.D in linguistics (with emphasis on Slavic syntax and possibly semantics).


hismel - Mel
Happily married to my best friend & childhood pal, have 3 awesome boys (6-15), and started my very own consulting business that is now one year old.  I love thinking and love to learn--KP is a perfect place for both. Also, there are 3 generations of my family in the Top 100 users, and at least 5 family members who hang out at KP. This site has brought our family closer!


Ich3778 - Leo
I am currently a member of law enforcement. I think we all need to take time out and consider peoples feelings and treat everyone with respect. Whether I agree with your viewpoint, or not, I will always listen to what you have to say.


Seedy69 - Claire
Random and I at KP Naked Night.


Australian male, 40. Happily married to a truly wonderful woman.
Looking to help people find solutions to things I struggled to solve in my own life.


jaydogg - Jay
I am a 22 year old Political Science major at the Univeristy of Rhode Island. My homepage is www.jftr.com if you'd like to know any more. I'm also a Brain, which means I'm one of Clay's little evil minions.


Australian, Pisces, Fun-loving, Been on Knowpost since February 2000 and I love it!  I have already met some great people and I really enjoy this site. I am single, with 2 beautiful children who make my world perfectly happy!  I am a Sales Director for a Commercial Property Real Estate Business, and I love women, sport, women, relaxing, reading, women and sex!


To keep it simple: I am 23, Scorpio, single, no children, boring yet perverted.


Now that I have a pic, can I be KPer of the Day???
..."If you work at something you find to be unpleasant or difficult, you will get just as much satisfaction when it is accomplished as you do when working at something you enjoy, or comes easily..."


Minga - Phil ("PJ")
  Hello fellow KP addicts. I am a 37 yr old male. I'm a civil engineer and a volunteer firefighter/paramedic. See you at the Big One.


Male from Texas on the back side of 40. Sort of an open-minded conservative. More comfortable w/ the concrete than the abstract. Sense of humor just a bit out of plumb.


artemis - Carole
Key West and cold beer, does it get any better than that!


~a prayer from Saint Bridget of Ireland
I would like the angels of Heaven to be among us. I would like an abundance of peace. I would like full vessels of charity. I would like rich treasures of mercy. I would like cheerfulness to preside over all. I would like Jesus to be present. I would like the three Marys of illustrious renown to be with us. I would like the friends of Heaven to be gathered around us from all parts. I would like myself to be a rent payer to the Lord; that I should suffer distress, that he would bestow a good blessing upon me. I would like a great lake of beer for the King of Kings. I would like to be watching Heaven's family drinking it through all eternity.


Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.


I'm 17 and from the grand ol' state of Illinois. I'm probobly going to go to U of I (Champaign) when I graduate...though if Vassar gives me enough money, I'll be going there. Swim competivly and do triathalons.




late 20's, married mom of 3 boys,voracious reader, amateur naturalist


Married to a great person for the last nine years. I have three daughters and five grandchildren and now live in Florida for the last 6 years. Moved here from Pa. where I lived for most of my life. Before that it was Conneticut for the first four years of my life.


Quizzard - Chris
Co-author of The Toad Saga
I'm just a little black rain cloud, hovering under the honey tree. I'm only a little black rain cloud, pay no attention to little me...


ICQ  - 52013920
AIM is Illgenius and/or Mellosmooth
Home Page
I am a 20 year old hispanic, junior year Physics-Mathematics double major at the University of Rhode Island with a minor in Computer Science and possibly Chemistry. I love math and the sciences so ask away. For any more info or if you want to chat ceremail me ......you can IM me, info above.


I know the image isn't very good, but the picture at the right is a picture of my grandfather when he was about my age, in the early 20's. His name was Rosalino Guido. I wish that I could have known him.

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for the Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


packhawk - Alicia
I am a college student. Generally dazed and confused, but known to be intelligent on rare occasions.
I am the original pocket-sized bitch. My interests are cows, movies, Green Bay Packers, Iowa Hawkeyes, and Robert Redford.


I like food, food is good. I listen to a lot of music. I make music. I read. I write. I make just enough money to allow me to do these things. I am 17, and I live in the UK.


Kilnamar - Travis
Married to Mom2B
Co-author of The Toad Saga
Hey everyone! Don't want to make anyone jealous, but I am married to an Angel, I am the father of a Prince. Their love is my potential, my hope, my very life. Never be afraid to dream, because sometimes the fairytale does come true.


angelbee - Debbie
Mother & wife .I am a great cook . Love to read . I have a lot of common sense. I cant spell. So don't correct me on it i know.


vangar - Travis
always look for the positive in everything. Its always there but sometimes its a bitch to find.


fiance of prncss
I'm 24 years old and my girlfriend (prncss) got me hooked on this site. I'm a working man. When I get ready to have kids I want 10 but my girlfriend doesn't, so I decided only to have 6 (just joking!)


Hi! I'm 24 years old, working in England for the next one and a half years, give or take. I'm American, but it's one hell of a commute, so... here I am. I live in East Anglia with my 6 year old daughter, my fiance, and our two cats.


"Your friend is your needs answered."-K.Gibran, The Prophet. Awesome book this!!
I am 27, mother of three(soon to be four) and still happily married. I am Canadian(love the new commercial, but cant stand the beer). I am interested in gardening(esp herbs,roses), crafting, religion and spirituality, anything remotely associated with the Net, cooking, etc, etc, etc(or lots of other stuff!). Really enjoy my time here at KP!!


I'm an 18 year old college freshman and I'm majoring in (theatre) education (even though I know my parents aren't in love with this!) to get my teaching degree in theatre. Though, first I'm going to try to pursue a career as a stage actor. I'm 5'9" and 150lbs. I have spiky brown hair and medium blue eyes. I'm a big fan of STAR WARS. And my astrological sun sign is Virgo.


I am whatever you say I am - Marshal Mathers


obi-wan - Dave
married to taragl
This is a picture of Trevor and I from last summer. Needless to say he is a lot bigger, but I just got this picture scanned so I thought I would pop it on.


What do you mean bad hair day?


jakimbro - Jerry
Hi! I'm a guy in his late 30s, born & raised in Florida. Education through 4 years @ Florida State University. I have a B.A. in Studio Art.  I'm not the smartest guy in the world & I know I'm not always right. But things I know include: art history, world history, comics & cartoons, world folklore & legends, greek mythology, and rudimentary biblical knowledge.  Things I enjoy: Classical music, pulp magazine fiction. Superman & Batman comics. Sherlock Holmes. Ghost stories. The Bible. Wierd psuedo-sciences. Dungeons & Dragons. Conspiracy theories


Ethmer - Ted
Ethmer's KP Tips, from 1 to 30
Be sure to visit: The Hunger Site. 59-year young novice at life, computing, and other things. But always seeking knowledge, greater understanding, and, i hope, enough wisdom to apply correctly that which i have learned!  Have a great ... !


I am 20 and I live in San Antonio, Texas and I just changed my major from math to Computers Information Systems.


"It depends on where my heart is, and which of my hearts it is, and how fast it's moving, and in what direction." --darklao


"ScorpioIBR" on AIM
lift off!
(braino, you're slippin'!!)

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