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Friends Website
Dedicated to Clay Johnson, founder of
The Top 10

Without this man,
there would be no KnowPost...

Clay  Johnson
Fondly called "The Bonsai God"

My name is Clay Johnson and I am the founder of Despite this picture, I usually don't look so dang serious. I'm definitely not. You can see a much less serious picture of me by going to my cjoh2 account. As far as my personal interests go, I'm really into social networks-- studying the different ways people connect, and what tools they use to do so. My title at KnowPost is "Chief Community Strategist" and my overall function is to think up new ideas to make KnowPost a better place. Its a great job, and you should all wish you could work with such great people.  I was a political science major at the University of Rhode Island, and started KnowPost while in college.  I'm also fascinated by the organic nature of the stock market, and know a little bit about classical music composition.  Thanks for using, and please, spread the word. I may have founded KnowPost, but I certainly don't make it what it is. *We* do.

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The Top 10 Members

The Top 10 answering members have answered between 4,300 and 12,700 answers each!
Pictures are linked to profile pages, user names to email. (send me your email!)

Member Spotlight | Top 10  |  Top 11 - 50  |  Top 51 - 100  | 101 and Beyond  | Top 100 Askers | Top 100 Calculation

Spotlight On Heyteach

heyteach - Laurie
Insatiable curiousity. Love to research and learn. Interested especially in law, medicine, and science.
Be sure to read the  for her monumental achievement of being the first KnowPoster to hit 10,000 answers!


cyndy10 - Cyndy
I maintain this website, known as "KnowPost Friends". I'm a 44 year old female living in Las Vegas. I was born in Seattle and moved to Las Vegas for the sunshine. I'm a Hedonist at heart, strong willed, independent, persistent, intelligent, anal retentive and proud to be a woman.

My motto is:  "I Know, therefore I Post"


LLDY - Linda
Here she is, finally!! Murryn is 10 months old now and a going concern.
And she does have hair, you just can't see it in this picture!!


prncss - Christina
engaged to quest246
Hello! I'm a 21 year old senior at Fairleigh Dickinson University, in NJ, psychology major. Future plans include spending as much time as possible laying on the beach this summer, and visiting Canada in August.


Jeni Morse
The left picture is a picture of my family on our recent trip to Tenn. My dad and step mom.  Me and megan and our dog sandy. We are at the Kentucky locks in this picture.

The picture on the right is a Picture of me taken a few months ago before going out to the bar. I don't always dress like that. :-)


Lawboy - Chris Kovski
Tilting at windmills and trying to make sense of a senseless world.
Damnat quod non intelligunt.


solana - Kathleen
I know of the leafy paths that the witches take
Who come with their crowns of pearl and their spindles of wool,
And their secret smile, out of the depths of the lake;
I know where a dim moon drifts, where the Danaan kind
Wind and unwind their dances when the light grows cool
On the island lawns, their feet where the pale foam gleams.
No boughs have withered because of the wintry wind;
The boughs have withered because I have told them my dreams....Yeats


Lana9's Party Room
"It's how we see ourselves that counts!"


Retired Printer.  Live in the Great Northwest.


psykomom broke into the Top10 on March 13th.

psykomom - Jackie
Retired from SWBT Co., Engr. Dept., love TV, Dallas Cowboys, reading, collect Tom Clark gnomes, night person,(stay up late, sleep late) don't talk on phone or socialize much, good sense of humor, love and adore my kids. I am also a big believer and defender of our Second Amendment Rights. And I am definitely hooked on Knowpost and all my good friends on here.

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