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Ask Ishtar Anything!
Isthar has been a member since February 19th, 2000.
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OK, I'm gonna jump on this bandwagon too. Most of you probably won't have heard of me yet, unless I've answered a question of you, but I'm trying to get more involved :) So here is some background to start you off:

I'm a 20 year old (21 on 22 June, yay!) female from Auckland, New Zealand, currently living in New Zealand's capital Wellington, with my fiancee.

I am a student (and will probably be one forever), studying towards a Bachelor of Arts in Classical Studies and English. I hope to finish my undergrad degree this year, and will then do honours, possibly in both my majors, then probably a Masters degree as well.

My fiancee is a Software Engineer.

I have 2 cute cats. (6.11.00)

HeyTeach: I see you say you've cuddled with a koala! I understand those animals can be pretty cross--biting and scratching and such. (It was reported from someone who did one of those Qantas ads.) So what's the story behind your koala experience?

When I was 10, my family went to Australia for a holiday. We stayed with my mother's cousin and his family. They took us to a wildlife park, i think it was called Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary (amazing what your mind can dredge up at 4am), and one of the things this place offered was Koala cuddles with photos. I remember the koala smelled really bad, and it had big sharp claws that made me a little scared, But its fur felt really nice. I believe Koala cuddles are banned in Australia now for health and animal welfare reasons, but I may be mistaken. I still have the photo somewhere.

fly20: What are the best and worst things about living in New Zealand?

the best thing about living in nz is the space, theres loads of space even tho we are a very small country. The worst thing is the isolation which comes from being a small island. (Also, being mistaken for part of Australia is pretty bad too :) )

taragl: Classical Studies/English sounds like a fascinating combination! What drew you to these subjects and what do you plan to do when you eventually get your Masters degree?

My road to English and Classics is an interesting one. My dad wanted me to be a doctor or something, so I did all science subjects at school. When I got to my final year of high school tho, I needed to pick up another subject for Bursary (our final high school exams in New Zealand), and Classics was the only subject I could pick up without having done any previously. I did it and I loved it, it totally fascinated me. But at that stage it was just a hobby.

When I got to Uni, I started out doing Psychology and Education and got very bored. So I dropped Psych and picked up Classics, then realised there wasn't a lot I could do with it and had a year off to re-assess.

I decided that I loved Classics and really wanted to study it even tho it wouldn't really get me anything. I decided that I could probably teach, but I needed another subject to do that. I'd been good at English at school so I decided English would do, and now I love English too :)

Once I get my Masters, I'd imagine I will teach, but I'm not sure yet :)

Hedges: Why Ishtar? Was you the one who liked this film?

...and Tehuti: Drat, that last person stole my question--but not the reasoning behind my question--I was going to ask, Why Ishtar? Do you know anything about--what is that, Assyrian mythology?

Ishtar. Well, when my fiancee and I moved into our new flat, his mother gave me a beautiful card with a painting of Ishtar on it. I did some investigation and decided she was kinda cool, so now I use her on the MUD I play, on here, and as part of my Yahoo mail address. No I didnt want to know about a movie I dont think. Yes she is Assyrian, but also Babylonian and a few others.

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