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Ask Kileana Anything!
Kileana has been a member since May 5th, 2000.
# Asked: 248 -- # Answered: 1707
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Rank: 136 -- Rank: 61

6.14.00 - Kileana here, if you can think of anything you would like to ask me...feel free to do so.
I figure, if everyone else is doing it, why not give it a try. :o}

Swords on 6.14.00 - How does the rate of evaporation from the Mediterranean Sea compare to that of the water entering from the Atlantic Ocean? :-)

SWORDS~ If I knew, I would tell you. lol

Swillpig on 6.14.00 - Why are YOU humping on this "band-waggon"?????

SWILLPIG~ Because I practically live at KP and I figure this will give me something to do as well as give people a chance to get to know more about me, if they want to that is. :o}

Dilbert on 6.14.00 - What is the five greatest things that you have ever done? Things that you are most proud of.

DILBERT~ That is a really good question. I am having trouble thinking of an answer to that one. lol I guess the greatest things I have ever done, or the things I am most proud of, would have to be...

#1 Finishing my A.C.T. college assesment test in 7th grade with a higher test score average than than any High School senior that tested that year.(in my school district, that is)
#2 Going back and getting my high school equivelent diploma after I quit school.
#3 Being able to get full custody of my daughter after my divorce even though I am so young and my daughter is not biologically mine.
#4 Having my very first short story published when I was only 14.
#5 Selling my first oil painting when I was only 15.

Most of those seem pretty superficial for me to be proud about but I haven't reallly done much else. lol

heyteach on 6.14.00 - What do you attribute your ability to keep on going to?

HEY TEACH~ Stubbornness. lol Really, I would have to attribute my ability to keep going to my sister. Watching her struggle through her life, fighting addiction after addiction, really made a lasting impression on me. She never gave up until the very end and her life was a lot harder than mine. I learned that life is not over until your heart stops beating, so why give up until you have to ? For this lesson, I am forever greatfull.

prncss on 6.16.00 - What's your favorite part of this site?

PRNCSS~ I really wish I could pick a favorite part of this site, but in all honesty, I enjoy reading the soaps, answering question and posting questions.
I think the whole site is pretty groovy !!

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