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Ask PJames Anything!
PJames has been a member since July 28th, 1999.
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6.14.00 - Hello there, good old P.James from England here, fire away, What?

obi-wan on 6.14.00 - What are Banger and Mash? Does it taste good? I saw this on a menu in a pub today and i was wary to try it.

obi-wan Bangers (sausages) and mash can be a very tasty meal, if the sausages are good and they are cooked right.  When I do this for dinner I cream the potatoes well using butter and cream, and use a good quality tasty banger which I fry until nicely brown. I buy my sausages from my local butcher who wins prizes for them and I usually have pork with sage.  Top the lot off with onion gravy and its a quick delicious dish, which I will probably have for Saturday dinner now you have reminded me of it.

Scrooge on 6.15.00 - I just checked England's position on a globe. Are you ever disoriented by constantly being at a 90 degree angle?

Scrooge As with most English people, I am upright with both feet firmly planted on the ground, so standing at rightangles to the ground is not at all dissorientating :)  Wondered where you came from and better than you I did not have to look it up, I know a lot about Texas from the television, its a place populated by the beverly hillbillies who discovered oil there :)

heyteach on 6.14.00 - Tell us a bit about your area of England. Is this where you have always lived? Would you rather be in another section of England or is your neighborhood "close" enough that folks know each other and really talk? What kind of work do folks tend to do in your area: agricultural, industrial, clerical, tourist?

I live in the South-East of England in a small village on the outskirts of Dover.Dover is the main port for mainland Europe and was made famous by Vera Lynn's song about blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover.If you want to see a picture of the white cliffs of Dover do not use Encarta as their picture is of the seven sisters near Brighton not our cliffs.The castle is seen from most of the area and I see it at least once a day. - Gives some good info on the tourist side of things, but a site that is different is maintained by a friend of mine who is a trustee at crabble corn mill, where my daughter used to volunteer.  Follow the mill links.  Dover is a small town and has superb local country side which is rare chalk grassland and supports some very rare ecology.

A little known fact is the colony of wild orchids growing within 500 yards of the town centre.
It is a fairly close knit community and I rarely venture out without bumping into someone I know. The only problem we have at the moment are the smugglers that are moving into the area to take advantage of the much lower prices of tobacco and alcohol in France and Belgium.

The major employment comes from the port, be it on the cross channel ferries and hovercraft, working in customs or immigration,or in road transport.

Oh I forgot , the Channel tunnel is just a couple of miles up the road and links us to France.
I have always lived within 20 miles of my home, and in truth would not want to live anywhere else. The main attraction for me to this area is the trees and the hills,other parts of Enhgland seem so flat or open.

Pickle on 6.15.00 - Can you tape Eastenders for me? Only joking:) What's your take on the Royal Family? Waste of space or credit to the nation?

The royal family are a waste of space, I am one of the people that subscribe to the theory that Princess Diana was murdered, and that her husband should have been faithful when he married her and finished his relationship with Camilla when he asked her for her hand.  Prince Philip is a tactless buffoon and should be put out to graze, the main job of the royals is diplomats and he fails miserably.

The only one that seems to show any sense is Princess Anne who has at least brought her children up as commoners and is very committed to her work for the save the children fund.

prncss on 6.17.00 - Do you feel that many Americans are prejudiced against the English?

I don't think that many Americans are prejudiced against the English, but some are. I have been flamed for the Irish potatoe famine, which was well before my time,and something I have never found a problem from the Irish who I meet in this country, many of whom are my friends.
Questions like the one on football hooligans aren't helpful either.
If my answer to scrooge's Question prompted this,well it was meant to be humourous, but English and American humour is different to say the least.

Swords on 6.14.00 - If I gave you a phone number in the Stoke-On-Trent area, would you be willing to call it to see if a certain person lives there? My mum is trying to track down an old friend and thinks because I'm online (and used to be in contact with many people in England) it would be easy for me to arrange it. I already told her no, but if you are willing, I will get the information from her.

hedges on 6.14.00 - How far do you think England is going to get in Euro2000?

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