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Pickle has been a member since April 17th, 1999.
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6.11.00 - I'll jump on the bandwagon late as usual. Ask Pickle anything you like and I'll try to answer within a day.  For those of you that don't know, I'm English, and now live in Washington DC. I am married with 2 cats and a husband (in order of importance;). I work in a British school and have been on KP for over a year.

heyteach on 6.11.00 - So, what attracted you to moving to DC? And if it was not really your choice, what is the best thing about DC and what do you like least?

Heyteach. It wasn't my choice at all, my husband's work brought us here. What I like about it: the pace of life is just about right for me, not too fast like New York or London and not too slow like my home town. It's all very clean here and there are plenty of things to do.
What I don't like: This might sound silly but the place has no soul. Other capital cities Paris, Ottowa, Amsterdam, Beijing all have their own distinct 'feeling' which is unmistakable. DC doesn't have that, you could be anywhere.

hedges on 6.12.00 - Hi Pickle. Do you miss: Eastenders, PG Tips, Sausages, Chicken Tikka Masala and Euro2000. Also whats your favourite thing about living in the States?

Hedges (B & H man!) good to see ya.
I miss all the little things from England like Maltesers, Pot Noodles, a decent banking system ;), driving on the left, Have I Got News for You on the BBC. The BBC in general is a huge thing that I miss, I have a friend who tapes Eastenders for me but I miss all the good comedy programmes and live footie coverage (like Euro 2000 for example).

The best thing about living here has to be the people, I have far more friends here than I ever did at home and most are much more well-rounded people. Well travelled, intelligent, good for a laugh and eager to go out and have fun.

Ishtar on 6.12.00 - What do you teach?

Ishtar - I'm not really a teacher, I am a classroom assistant for a class of 4-6 year olds. The class is about half American kids, half British kids with a couple of other nationalities thrown in. I mainly teach reading and maths while the teacher puts his feet up and drinks coffee!

jmkm on 6.12.00 - Besides me, and the ever handsome "G", what experience have you had with gay friends?

Jim, G is straight, I'm getting surer by the day.

Anyway to answer your question, I've had a bit of experience with gay friends. First there was Gary, a good friend at school. He was in denial for years, it was a great day when he eventually came out. Everyone cheered because we already suspected and were so proud of him. He did it in a crowded pub full of all his friends and he still says it was the best day of his life. He's had a lot of trouble recently with prejudice and has had to move house, there are still some bigots around unfortunately. I won't tell you what they did but it wasn't nice.

I have 4 good friends back home who are all guys and are gay, 2 are single if you're interested! I used to go to the pub with Gary a lot and met them through him. Sean is the most interesting, he's incredibly camp and recently had a big drama because he was attracted to a girl, he got over it though, said it was a moment of madness. I always liked going to gay clubs with them all, the music was always better and I loved the atmosphere. That's another thing I miss from England actually.

You'll laugh at this or cry perhaps, my first boyfriend turned out to be gay, we were together in our teens. He is now with another guy I had a fling with in my teens too!! I was gobsmacked at the time but it did explain a lot about both of them in retrospect. I still wonder sometimes about guys I fancy (hence the fuss about G probably).

There's also my 2 good girl friends back home who are bisexual. They both confided in me separately about other things before they came out so when they got together they decided I was the first person they should tell. I think it was because they knew my views and I had already guessed anyway. They were in love, it was obvious! They're still together and going strong too.

So I guess you could say I'm gay-friendly to say the least.

Hope this is OK Jim, I've had a few drinks to console myself about England throwing away their first match in the Euro 2000 soccer tournament. How can you be 2-0 up and then lose 3-2!!!:(

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